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Submit Your Wishful Features after iClone 6

Posted By Visconti 9 Years Ago
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Last Active: 9 Years Ago
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Dear folks

After iClone 6 release, Reallusion keeps collecting different feedbacks and your important opinions to craft the best animation tool for everyone. Please take a look at the current plans we have, and provide suggestions in this thread. Your ideas will definately become the valuable inspiration for our product development.

Reallusion, Inc.


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Reallusion, Inc.

hattori kun
hattori kun
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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-Crucial - Rendered image sequence fps to match project setting fps.

-Better hair and fur with NVIDIA HairWorks

-More post filters and lens flare effects.

-Network rendering possible? If so 1 or 2 render node free included with pro or cheap render node license. BigGrin

-Matte shadow/refl/ref material

-Broken for me. 3dx 5 does not work without Iclone 5 installed. I don't have it installed since I started with IC6. Can anyone test if 3dx 5 will work on a fresh pc that only had Iclone 6? 3dx 6 needs to be out asap for IC6 only users.
9 Years Ago by hattori kun
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Please bring back the facial detail editor for animation, and animated .gif export!


Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hi Visconti,

25 suggestions from my side (I will keep editing this post as much as new requests/ideas come to my mind).
Nothing fancy or "killing-app"- like, but still useful for a better usability.

1. within each category (avatars, props, etc. etc.) the Scene manager window, I would like to be able to re-organize the assets of a project, that is, to be able to move the elements up (swapped with the element above) & down (swapped with the element below).
Use case: just be able to make some order when many assets are used. It can make the editing easier

2. it would be useful to be able to create some "virtual" sub-folder within the Scene Window, so that we can have a better and more organized list of the various assets.
Use case: just improve the editing process. I find it would be convenient to be able to organize the props in a better way, according to their function, position, relevance within the project

3. extend the maximum size of the Mini Vieport.
Use case: when 3 monitors are used... one for the main window, one for the controls, one for the mini-viewport

4. (that's a big modification...) the possibility to have another virtual space (similar to "layers" of Blender), where we can place assets, work on them, define/adjust what we need, and once ready, move them into the main project
The additional viewport should be nothing but an additional empty project, acting as a secondary space to work out different things
Use case: tailor some movement offline to correct the character rotation, position, root node etc. collect the movement and then apply to the main project. Or just try some movement on a sample character, in order to see if the movement is ok. Or do any kind of other test out of the main project. Point 7 is also another use case.

5. report somewhere the name of the asset being selected.
Use case: when many trees are placed, it can be difficult to select a specific one, so by understanding what asset is effectively selected can help to mask out anything that can prevent to select the desired target

6. make available the LUA API
Use case: be able to create automatic scripts for specific repetitive actions/editing (e.g. add/remove the same feature for many props, like adjusting a color or similar)

7. to be able to select the maximum frame range when a motion is applied
Use case: rebuild some part of an animation between two parts that are ok. The idea here is that I want to fill a motion track "hole" with some animation without overwriting the next animation. Today, if a motion is applied and it is too long, it overwrites the next animations... (this case can be also "solved" if point 4 above is enabled, because I could tailor the motion in a different viewport and then apply it to the main project)

8. Add a Keyboard shortcut for the Camera view from the Bottom (I might be wrong but it seems that the letter "B" is not used yet...)
Use case: several editing is convenient when done from the bottom and a shortcut makes the camera selection faster

9. display the Gizmo even when the camera has a close-up on an asset and the pivot is outside of the camera viewport
Use case: to be able to do editing even with a close-up view, without the need to zoom back and forth N times

10. to have a way to assign the Preview camera to the viewport currently in use by another camera.
Use case: while reviewing the final scene, it might be necessary to do some further editing without changing the movement assigned to the camera used for the final rendering. It is still possible to add anew camera (which starts from the current viewport) and then delete it, but it would be way easier and faster to have a command/shortcut that make it possible to redirect the Preview camera to the current viewport scene

11. to be able to select an avatar and a set of keyframe and apply a fixed position shift, so that the avatar has exactly the same movements but shifted in position
Use case: re-positioning of a character AFTER a complex animation is done, with multiple keyframes

12. to be able to handle video height maps (i.e. when a video is applied as a height map, IC should be able to re-calculate the height according to the current frame of the video)
Use case: to give a sense of deepness to real footages embedded in the scene.. but I guess this would open up a huge door for new special effects

13. having a color to identify one specific side of a bone in the Motion Editor
Use case: if a body part is rotated by mistake, it is sometime hard to understand what was the original and correct orientation. With a color on one side of the bone would be easier to bring the right orientation back in place

14. To have a pop-up window where all the timeline mark flags are listed, can be selected, and redirect the timeline at the mark points to.
Use case: improved usability when moving along a project timeline

15. Punch-in/Punch-out motion recording: the possibility to set the start and end frame where a motion is recorded (for example with the Motion Puppet tool) without the need to press the spacebar.
Use case: precise refinement of a motion, so that it is pre-determined the range where the modification will be applied. This feature also avoids the risk to overwrite leading & trailing part of the whole motion.

16. the possibility to place an asset at a certain point without the need to link/unlink.
Use case: if an asset shall be placed near another one, today we need to link it, select the Position option, unlink. This create an unnecessary constraint keyframe. It would be much better to have a similar option to just move the asset in the right place (like a "link by position") creating only a keyframe in the Transform track

17. a way to visualize (on request or somewhere in the GUI) the type of Avatar, in terms of:

a) Type (Human, Non-Standard Human, etc.)
b) Generation

Use case: when animation or exchange body parts are applied, it is useful to know in advance the character characteristics, in order to avoid a try & repeat process (e.g. when different body parts can't be exchanged between different generations)

18. to add a "search" function in those windows showing the bone structures (e.g. Non-Standard character motion edit, or Link to, Attach to)
Use case: when the bone structure is complex, it is tedious to look up a certain bone. If the bone name is known, it is easier to use a search function

19. to be able to select whether a camera movement shall create a keyframe or not
Use case: giving the option, it is possible to create multiple cameras behaving like the Preview Camera. This is quite useful during complex scene editing because it is easy to check the adjustments from different angles

20. to have an option, similar to Reverse a clip animation, to Mirror a clip animation (i.e. exchange left with right)
Use case: sometimes it is useful to have a mirrored version of an edited animation and rebuilding it is long and tedious. A "mirror animation" feature would come really into handy

21. to have the "Reset Motion Root" and "Align Actor Motion" options working also when a copy-paste of a clip is done
Use case: if we need to extend some animation with a copy-paste of existing clips, the above mentioned options seem to not working. It is still possible to align the clips after the copy-paste operation is done, but it would also be faster to have it done automatically

22. to have a way to display the name of the file used for an animation clip
Use case: sometimes it is useful to apply the same animation type/style and if the editing is done in different times, it is difficult to remember what were the file used for an animation of a certain character

23. to be able to bake the avatar orientation (Actor Root, i.e. Bone Root) within a Collect Clip operation
Use case: to generate a 100% replica of the animation, including also the Bone Root orientation. This is useful when an animation is fixed to re-align the Bone Root to the proper orientation, and then we want to generate a "clean" animation, including those fixes

24. to add a Bump Map channel to the Image Layer
Use case: it will give more realism to teh image layered picture

25. to be able to adjust the parallax effect for camera movements based on the asset distance from the camera
Use case: imagine a scene with some props emulating distant objects, e.g. a mountain, a sky with star dome, etc.
If the camera moves, those object should not move or change their size.
Today this can be accomplished only by applying a counter-movement/resizing to those objects.
It would be handy to have some kind of setting for the objects to that is possible to decide the percentage (0 to 100%, with 100% being what iClone 6 does today) of movement upon a camera displacement

My PC:
OS: Windows 10 Pro English 64-bit / CPU: Intel i7-9700 3.6GHz / MB: ASUS ROG Strix Z390  RAM: 32GB DDR4 2.6GHz / HD: 2TB+3TB  /  
SSD: 2x512GB Samsung 860 EVO + 1x2TB Samsung
VB: Palit GTX2080 TI GamingPro 11GB / AB: embedded in the MB and VB (audio from the MOTU M4 I/F) / DirectX: 12

9 Years Ago by RobertoColombo
nat woi
nat woi
Posted 9 Years Ago
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a better way to  tile a image on a prop .. lets say im using a avatar shirt  and I want to replace the (like a shrit logo) I can never place the image where I want it correctly  even after playing around with the tile offset option its always resized to big or to small

Ic5 layout option been using ic5 since the start im used to it and comfortable navigating that program and on IC6  be nice to change the color of theme the options is there just no color choices  

Allow mp4 files (video import and export)

And stechup  right now we can only use version 8 or below this needs updated as there are moving into the furture

And would be really great to have the puppet tool like DA does individual parts you can move with  one click its way faster then IC6 current pupating tool

9 Years Ago by nat woi
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|WISH| Global Scene Material Override


A very useful feature would be to have to possibility (perhaps in project settings, or in the rendering options) to set a global material that would override all the items materials in the scene so that only this Material would be use on all objects at render time.

Useful for debugging a scene, for specific rendering style(s), for multi-passes rendering, etc..


"N.O.E." (Nations Of Earth) Sci-Fi TV Show, Showrunner.

Posted 9 Years Ago
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Last Active: 7 Years Ago
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I'm with Guy on this. A global material would be extremely useful.

I LIVE to anymate, irritate and machinamate. Not necessarily in that order.

Posted 9 Years Ago
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warlord720 (1/22/2015)
I'm with Guy on this. A global material would be extremely useful.

I still hope we can achieve this and other global/automatic features with:

"6. make available the LUA API
Use case: be able to create automatic scripts for specific repetitive actions/editing (e.g. add/remove the same feature for many props, like adjusting a color or similar)"

My PC:
OS: Windows 10 Pro English 64-bit / CPU: Intel i7-9700 3.6GHz / MB: ASUS ROG Strix Z390  RAM: 32GB DDR4 2.6GHz / HD: 2TB+3TB  /  
SSD: 2x512GB Samsung 860 EVO + 1x2TB Samsung
VB: Palit GTX2080 TI GamingPro 11GB / AB: embedded in the MB and VB (audio from the MOTU M4 I/F) / DirectX: 12

Posted 9 Years Ago
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|WISH| Gives G6 A Proper Life Time


Not a feature request or wish per say, but rather a wish on how iClone characters will evolve from now on.

G6 Characters, imho, are characters we all expected for a long time ( once they will be completely operational with the upcoming 6.1 patch to make them 'standard' as well ).

Those G6 Characters generation have almost everything we need in terms of topology, polygons count seems right and enough, and thanks to the new tessellation feature we can now render smooth character surfaces, have proper morphs, dynamic hairs and clothes, etc.. It is the first time I would be tempted to use the word "perfect", or almost.

My wish is then: please don't jump to G7 Characters generation development anytime soon. Let G6 have a 'real' life.

You know how it is frustrating to have invested a lot of money on G2, G3, G.. characters, investments that are now useless.

Personally - but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one on this - I prefer to invest in a lot of content for a future-proof, stable, long-life character generation rather than in a few content repeated for several character generations.

So please, gives G6 a proper life time, don't jump on G7 (unless all G6 content can be properly 'forwarded' to G7).

Instead, take the time to create exhaustive G6 content (clothes, accessories, etc..) and gives the time to third parties developers to do so as well.

It would certainly be appreciated by all of us, I believe.


"N.O.E." (Nations Of Earth) Sci-Fi TV Show, Showrunner.

Posted 9 Years Ago
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Posts: 231, Visits: 7.8K
Hi, iClone is almost perfect for my purposes, but I have long wished for better particle effects.
I wish above all, better fire and smoke effects, and therefore hope that the upcoming plans for 3D particle effects will make iClone animation is the perfect tool for me.
Here are a few requirements:
- Particle blocking so it stops at a wall and bounce or spread inside a room.
- Particle overall scale settings (to change size of whole particle at the same time)
- Reduce the speed on particle (better looking slow smoke, etc.)
- Pre start so particle is fully grown at frame one When Starting the rendering
- Light and shadow influence on particles

My computer: Intel i7-7700K 4.2Hhz 64Gb, Windows 10, GeForce GTX 1080 + GeForce GTX 1070, Phillips monitor 40" 4K  3840x2160 + 2x28" 

9 Years Ago by brand468

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