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How to use FF3 with iclone faces?

Posted By Alien Maniac 11 Years Ago
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Alien Maniac
Alien Maniac
Posted 11 Years Ago
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Last Active: 4 Years Ago
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Hi Guys

I have many character faces saved in iclone and want to work on them in FF3 Pro. How can I do this? I want the faces to look the best they can be. How can I import them to FF3 and save them back into iclone5pro? I can not find this info anywhere...... perhaps I just missed this info? Thanks for any tips!

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Posted 11 Years Ago
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Hi Bray,

I actually requested a plug in like this for iclone - to deal with the 3D characters direct - and allow me to make gothic gaisha girls!! :w00t:

this may be a trick since ff3 is made for regular 2D pictures than 3D models - ie a regular picture with normal viewing proportions, vs an unwrapped UV that makes the face look like a human blob. lol

what "I" would try is sending the character face image to your photo-editor, then taking just the face area of the unwrapped skin and treating it like a regular face project in ff3 - then merging the updated pic back into the original. Otherwise, what you want is more like a feature for painting 3D models, and ff3, is just a standard 2d image processor with standard 2d templates. so you'll have to be innovative on that pipeline.

I hope this helps!


"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

Alien Maniac
Alien Maniac
Posted 11 Years Ago
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Hi guys,
Sorry for the delay, I took ill with the Chickgunya virus and am still recovering....doh.
Well, apparently after weeks of searching and looking and reading and asking there is no way to use this FF3 content pack in or with Iclone at all. Bought as a full version content pack It appears to be only a totally separate and non related program only for photography. SO, what is the point of spending $80 for it? I assumed and trusted RL that it could be of some use for us but it is NOT. RL is apparently just selling other companies programs now non related or useable to us in our animation work. This is not cool. That money could have gone toward sales for developers and building our inventory. SAD, I am very unhappy with this purchase as it does me no good whatsoever. Of course there is one possibility left, it may possibly be used with ONLY the 3dexchange 5 ($500) package, I only have the 3dx5Pro version. I don't know and no has said to enlighten me here. Personally, I want a full refund. This FF3 is useless to me and was a huge waste of my money. Why didn't RL be up front and honest about it all in their ad for it? We do not read minds and trust that what content packs they sell are useable to us in RL and iclone products. My Bad for trusting RL on this, I won't trust them again. I do love RL iclone but this is beyond reason and fairness to its customer users.

MSI GE66 Raider, Intel 10th Gen, I7, SC Turbo to 5.3 GHZ, 240HZ, 64GB 3300 Ram,  2x 1TB M2 SSD Drives, NVIDIA GPU RTX 2070/8GB, 55" Sony 4K Monitor  External data drives total 7 TB. and an AUDIO Studio Recording system.

Posted 11 Years Ago
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first, sorry you are sick, I hope you recover soon....

BUT I'm so happy swoop is playing good cop in this one. Cuz you came off wrong!

Not cool bray, I posted a solution.

Further, no where on the face filter page does it say it was made for iclone.

You don't know how to use the tools, and are spewing negative propaganda because you want an easy button. Further they have a trial available.

You buy a lawnmower and get upset when you can't shave with it ?

No, case denied! -the hand-

"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 11 Years Ago
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Bray42 (9/21/2014)
Hi guys,
Sorry for the delay, I took ill with the Chickgunya virus and am still recovering....doh.
Well, apparently after weeks of searching and looking and reading and asking there is no way to use this FF3 content pack in or with Iclone at all. Bought as a full version content pack It appears to be only a totally separate and non related program only for photography. SO, what is the point of spending $80 for it? I assumed and trusted RL that it could be of some use for us but it is NOT. RL is apparently just selling other companies programs now non related or useable to us in our animation work. This is not cool. That money could have gone toward sales for developers and building our inventory. SAD, I am very unhappy with this purchase as it does me no good whatsoever. Of course there is one possibility left, it may possibly be used with ONLY the 3dexchange 5 ($500) package, I only have the 3dx5Pro version. I don't know and no has said to enlighten me here. Personally, I want a full refund. This FF3 is useless to me and was a huge waste of my money. Why didn't RL be up front and honest about it all in their ad for it? We do not read minds and trust that what content packs they sell are useable to us in RL and iclone products. My Bad for trusting RL on this, I won't trust them again. I do love RL iclone but this is beyond reason and fairness to its customer users.

Hi Bray,

FaceFilter 3 is a standalone application for adding makeup and other effects to 2D facial photos. It is not a content pack for iClone or any other title and isn't advertised as such. The product pages show clearly what the application is used for and there are many tutorials and showcases showing its use.

As you feel you have been mislead, please can you tell us where in the FaceFilter 3 advertising it states it works with iClone5 or gave the impression it did?

As to a refund, certainly if you purchased in the last 30 days then we can do that for you. Please just contact Support using the link below and let them know you purchased in error.



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Alien Maniac
Alien Maniac
Posted 11 Years Ago
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Hi Peter,
Thanks for the immature and unprofessional reply. DUH! You think you are talking to a kid? I spend thousands and thousands of $$$$ on RL products. AND this gives you the right to insult me personally publicly on the forum even with an insulting image to prove your point, REALLY son? I don't think so bubba! I asked for help and a solution and got nothing so yes I am upset and now you insult me.....Ok fine IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO GROW UP AND FACE REALITY in your responsibility to customers of RL. You never replied to my post until now. I also asked how developers make the faces for sale and add them to iclone.....NO reply on that either! Just your childish insults. YOU OWE ME A PUBLIC APOLOGY, RIGHT HERE AND NOW SON. If not we can take it to a higher level with RL.

Why did you make this comment at all?
"You don't know how to use the tools, and are spewing negative propaganda because you want an easy button. Further they have a trial available."
"You buy a lawnmower and get upset when you can't shave with it ?"

"No, case denied! -the hand- "
As you feel you have been mislead, please can you tell us where in the FaceFilter 3 advertising it states it works with iClone5 or gave the impression it did?

OK, Smart Axx: Read it and weep.

This bundle includes:

FaceFilter3 PRO

So you are saying I am a liar or just stupid. I buy content packs all the time from RL and assumed that they sell only their products or ones that can be used with or in iclone. NOT software from other companies that have absolutely nothing to do with RL products (As I stated). AND WHY does RL have FF3 files installed inside the iclone directory tree? Humm looks like a plugin to me. But then I am just stupid, hu?

I am man enough to admit I did obviously mis-interpret the FF3 app. SO, I made a mistake that I will not make again. I do love all the iclone products for sure but do not appreciate this attitude and insults on your forum from you. Really. AND YOU are in CHARGE here, the authority for RL? That is NOT good for RL business communications with its Diamond level customers or otherwise. So what do you have to say now? :w00t: Peace or War? Your call.

PS> For new users to RL it is very confusing with all the different products, store places and forums and shops and all. Try to understand that and be more polite and helping to them too. Another confusing thing is that the developers do not always state what character model G3-5 is used. That is sometimes important to know. There should also be a pdf for download if any prop or such needs specific techniques to use it instead of only online. That is called User Friendly.

OK I am outa here, it is painful to type and hard fro me to read since i am very sick. Thanks for making me have to do this. NOT.

MSI GE66 Raider, Intel 10th Gen, I7, SC Turbo to 5.3 GHZ, 240HZ, 64GB 3300 Ram,  2x 1TB M2 SSD Drives, NVIDIA GPU RTX 2070/8GB, 55" Sony 4K Monitor  External data drives total 7 TB. and an AUDIO Studio Recording system.

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that wasn't peter's comment. They were mine, I'm not an official rep, i just love them very freaking much.

Thanks for proving beyond a doubt your reading comprehension skills are faulty!

Don't be blaming RL for your inability to read the documents properly and do accurate research!!

now apologize to peter, he was very professional and even gave you a possible solution - not his fault if it took you over 30 days to realize you didn't know what you purchased!!

and don't expect any apologies from me! I'm just calling out the facts!!

Taco Bell is NOT a phone company! #nowyouknow

"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

Alien Maniac
Alien Maniac
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Ahhh my bad Peter, Sorry for that. As I said I am very sick and upset with the comments made by PLANETSTARDRAGON.

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MSI GE66 Raider, Intel 10th Gen, I7, SC Turbo to 5.3 GHZ, 240HZ, 64GB 3300 Ram,  2x 1TB M2 SSD Drives, NVIDIA GPU RTX 2070/8GB, 55" Sony 4K Monitor  External data drives total 7 TB. and an AUDIO Studio Recording system.

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oh puhlease you loved every minute of it!! I offered to help and you blew up on aisle 3 right after my post!! public forum, we don't get paid to help on the forum and keep the fruitcakes at bay! I do it because I love this place and you came all sideways at us, RIGHT AFTER MY POST TRYING TO HELP!!!, further any work in my shop is me sharing whatever kool new thing I make with all the new software I get - it's hard work!!

you don't want to buy from me ?!! Fine!!! at least I wont have to worry about you complaining that you bought a wig thinking it was a dog!!

"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

Alien Maniac
Alien Maniac
Posted 11 Years Ago
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I get it. You mean You are really a good guy! Ah now I understand your logic in your comments. So why be so um rude? Especially when someone has been very ill and sick. This virus I have is really waaay bad and it has had me unable to type muchless read for almost a month now and I am told that it could be months or even years for recovery. Over 1 million people worldwide have it now. All of my joints are very painful and all muscles swollen up hard and are very painful.....well not all of them, lol. Oh thu pain. Perhaps I was just mis-reading your way of talking. We are all different aren't we. I have done business with you before with no problems, just sayin I am a customer of yours. :D You do great work! As I have never had any problem with you before and you did try to help, I do appreciate that part. No one likes to be insulted though anytime and it is a natural reaction to defend yourself, right.....thus the battle of the minds and ego began between two good people who do not know each other. It is human nature, no? That is why there will never be peace on Earth. egos and attitudes. LOL OK, I'll crawl back under my rock now. It is safer there......Peace. That's my way of life and my belief is; Make it or lose it.
Can we be friends or not? Everyone does stupid things sometimes. You and I are are no exception. We are just human.

MSI GE66 Raider, Intel 10th Gen, I7, SC Turbo to 5.3 GHZ, 240HZ, 64GB 3300 Ram,  2x 1TB M2 SSD Drives, NVIDIA GPU RTX 2070/8GB, 55" Sony 4K Monitor  External data drives total 7 TB. and an AUDIO Studio Recording system.

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