Dear Teachers,
CrazyTalk7 enjoys an awesome feature that allows teachers and students to export their projects and characters to web browsers or iDevices. Trainer - Enoc Burgos will acquaint you with how to create your own educational characters on CrazyTalk7 Mac or Windows, and then export them to social networking sites, web browsers or your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. Discover this revolutionary new feature that takes all your school projects anywhere you go. Students can now show their talking animations to their peers, their parents and the entire world with CrazyTalk on the go.
Welcome to join with the information below:
CrazyTalk7 Webinar Date: Wednesday, 23 April, 2014
Time: 17:00 - 18:00 PDT
US Time (New York) : Wednesday, 23 April 2014, 20:00
UK Time (London) : Thursday, 24 April 2014, 01:00
AU Time (Sydney): Thursday, 24 April 2014, 10:00
Click to check your local time
Host: Enoc Burgos
- Intro to CrazyTalk.
- Benefits of animation
- What's new in CrazyTalk7
- Live demo + app
- Classroom project ideas & showcases.
- Q&A
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Bruce (RL)
Forum Moderator
Reallusion, Inc.