Posted 12 Years Ago
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Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but could you guide me to the right place to ask this question, if you don't know?
I just got the trial version of Crazytalkanimator 6 (pro) and I created a face (with masking background, putting the lines/dots all over the face to make it move)... And then I saved my project. I now found a body I want to ad to my project, but I now realize this face I spent so much time on, I should have masked out the neck.
Is there any way at all to "go back" and RE mask the nect off of my already time spent on created face?
I have searched everywhere I can't find help, or a re edit face option.
Thanks for taking the time to read
Posted 12 Years Ago
Group: Forum Members
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You should be able to redo just the masking by clicking on the mask button on the left. Jeff
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