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How to make cylon eyes?

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How to make cylon eyes?

Posted 13 Years Ago
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I am trying out CrazyTalk 6 Pro. I see there's a way to import eyes but the only file format is .pak and I have no idea what that is or how to make one.

I want to create cylon type eyes but like the ones shown in this video:


You can't see it too well but if you look closely this robot's eyes go back and forth sort of cross-eyed like.

Is this possible to do? I also have Corel Video Studio X3 and Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro X3. Is it possible I can do this with these programs and if so, can anyone give me a tutorial?

Or what else would I need to get besides CrazyTalk 6 and what I have to accomplish what I want to do?

Posted 13 Years Ago
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"The PAK file type is primarily associated with 'Compressed Archive File'. A .PAK file acts like a .ZIP archive, it contains many different files within the archive, and can be accessed via the game it is associated with. Files within the archive are often read only. Note: .PAK files are used with many different Quake Engine games. "

Chances are if no one has answered, it's because no one is sure of an appropriate answer or the person who would know hasn't seen the post yet.

Just responding as a courtesy and to bump your post.

Welcome to the Forum. :)

~ Cheers

"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

Posted 13 Years Ago
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Thank you for the bump. :)

I am not about to unpack the .PAK file. I did some more searching and found one can import an eye image:


However, in the case of what I was trying to do, the eyes would be off for the right or left, as they are not exact (they slant, etc.) And you can only import one image for both eyes it seems.

Since that makes the eyes static anyway, I am going to opt to just make the eyes as part of the image. It doesn't seem we can make constantly animated eyes in this program. I'll have to find a way to use a mask color for the eyes and then use Video Studio Pro to import the eyes onto the mask in the resulting video. Of course, I won't be able to experiment with this until after I purchase the program which will have to wait until maybe late May (earliest I'll have the money for it).

Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 13 Years Ago
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tikacarr (4/11/2012)
I am trying out CrazyTalk 6 Pro. I see there's a way to import eyes but the only file format is .pak and I have no idea what that is or how to make one.

I want to create cylon type eyes but like the ones shown in this video:


You can't see it too well but if you look closely this robot's eyes go back and forth sort of cross-eyed like.

Is this possible to do? I also have Corel Video Studio X3 and Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro X3. Is it possible I can do this with these programs and if so, can anyone give me a tutorial?

Or what else would I need to get besides CrazyTalk 6 and what I have to accomplish what I want to do?

It seems like you have the process worked out now, but in case you are unclear on anything I will briefly explain the steps here.

Once you have your character loaded you press Eye Settings from the left toolbar, and then Modify from the Eye Settings Panel (see below).

You then click the Import button shown above to load your custom eye image. You will find the Eye Setting panel contains a lot of settings to customize the look and positioning of the eyes so it is worth experimenting with these to get the right look.

You can find out a lot more about this in the Help Guide HERE.


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Posted 13 Years Ago
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Skype ID= learn.iclone

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Cylon Eyes CrazyTalk6 (CT6)

Left and Right Eyes - Use as an Overlay SFX

Download Here

Sample Youtube


I created this using a few programs externally, and then imported the GIF as a SFX edit inside CT6. You will have to Size as Needed, and then Use Both SFX lines for a constant playback.

This is only a DEMO clip of what it does, so don't expect a finished product. It does depict what it actually does, but was only to provide a look at the SFX and see if the person wanting it could use it.

SKYPE ID: rc.650


http://city.reallusion.com/ContentTag.aspx?tagname=Cricky&AuthorID=20081020688550191201#]Reallusion Store Content

" If I had Alzheimer's (Old Timers), would I know it? "
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Cricky - Thank you for this! This looks like it may work. Unfortunately, the project I was working on was scrubbed. :( But I'll save this for future projects, if there are any. I don't have money for the program right now so I'll be waiting until I save up and get the program before I try this.

Again, thank you. :)

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