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Via for the iPad - from the customer side

Posted By Code4Sale 13 Years Ago
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Last Active: 11 Years Ago
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A very Fun app with a few shortcomings (when considering the normal quality of a Reallusion application).

 Very Pricey  when compared against similar apps that are hugely more functional (notability comes to mind).

Sadly, the very cool Paint option cannot work with an  imported image, Works with lossless png files, but exports in a lossy jpeg format (no PDF option either).

Cutout function is very good (same as the 99 cent "Cutout Creator"). Is cutout creator going away? It no longer shows when searching for realusion or show up with your other apps.

Ok, back to vis... Shamefully, the app is designed only to work in portrait orientation. Hard to imagine working that way on an iPad, ands even hard to imagine why your coders did not click the button in Xcode to make it work in landscape (or any orientation). It's not like you folks don't know anything about graphics, right?

The text features opacity, however, it affects both the text color and the background color (this should be separately configurable). Spinning down the opacity and your text just disappears instead of providing an outstanding effect by varying both the text and background alpha.

The effect option for backgrounds is a bit miscalibrated, and the more backgrounds are needed (a ruled version of the torn paper would be nice).

 The cropping tool is almost unusable (should be a resize able frame), and may require a fair number of redo's to get the job done.

The paper clip looks painful.

What's really funny is the "Get Free Stickers" where they want your email address. You give it them, and they email you instructions for how to nab artwork off the net, plus a very generous 5 Pngs that are totally worthless for the purpose of pinning to a bulletin board (one being the possibly illegal use of trademarked material - a styro coffee cup from Dunki'n Doughnuts).

The png's are emailed to your iPad in zip format, so there is no way to import them (directly anyway).  The " Get More Stickers" stays in the menu, and even after you purchase.

They stick an advert URL in the email when you export (most apps offer a way to turn this off after purchaseand).  

Ok, This was an honest review, and I believe no one will be able to argue any of these points. Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking the app, as it is fun.

It is certainly not the thought inspiring app they think that it is, it's just fun (and overpriced and under capable when compared against it's competitors).

The only thing it's really got going for it is the cutout capability (that may very well be better than C.T.A. And you other tools)

 After purchasing every Reallusion app there is somehow I expected much more bang for the buck.

Finally, if you do send feedback though the app, you must keep it short, else It will crash their server (silly Microsft server - if your gonna run a serious web server- keep it Linux)

Ok, this was ment as a valuable insight from the customer side. Send it on up, polish the app, drop the price to be in line, and sells a ton of them.

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