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Animating multiple characters

Posted By sullp 7 Years Ago
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Very interested in product CrazyTalk 8, But can I animate 2 characters talking to each other, like a comedy duo? This is essential for the project I'm working on. 
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Not in one scene in CT8 only.
The workflow I used is:
1. Record the dialogue as separated audio files (one file per uniterrupted text of one character).
2. Put character one on the left, add all audio file by file. While applying audio use "talk mode" where he/she talks and "listen mode" for the other character parts. No background. Add motions, correct animations and what not.
3. Repeat for the second character on the right in a new file.
4. Export both characters one by one talking and listening with transparent background (or use green/blue background and chroma key it in your video editing software).
5. Put background, exported characters and audio together in video editing software. If you export characters with audio - mute one of the channels. If you export them without audio (as I would) add your audio files again.
6. Render final video.

It may sound tedious but isn't really much more work than if you could do it all in CT8.
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Thanks for getting back, have not purchased CrazyTalk8 yet, still deciding
I basically want to import my own characters and animate their motions and lip syncs
What you're saying would have to do them separately in same project, then export them to an editing program
I use a Mac that editing program would be Final Cut or similar?
So CrazyTalk would do the lip sync and movements that could be good
Used a few animation programs all that takes me so long
Posted 7 Years Ago
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On Mac it's easier, because you can export video with transparent background (codec: Apple ProRes 4444) and you don't have to chroma key the background.
Your editing program can be FinalCut, but for what you described iMovie would be enough. There's also a free DaVinci Resolve from BlackMagic if you haven't bought FinalCut yet.
Lip sync and emotion animations are really easy and quick in CrazyTalk 8 - especially if you buy some motion packs, but facial puppet let's you achieve a lot without additional purchases.
One drawback is that there are no hands in CT8, so - no gestures. If you think that your show requires that kind of expression CrazyTalk Animator 3 might be a better choice - it's harder to start, but possibilities are much bigger. On the other hand the production time from idea to product in CT8 is hard to beat.
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Many thanks for all your tips, rarely been on forums, where response has been so positive and useful, Cheers

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