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Is Character Creator standalone or does it work within iClone?

Posted By television_99 7 Years Ago
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Is Character Creator standalone or does it work within iClone?

Posted 7 Years Ago
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And what is Character Creator Lite, which is available as a free download? Are there 2 different versions of CC?  
7 Years Ago by television_99
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television_99 (2/5/2017)
And what is Character Creator Lite, which is available as a free download? Are there 2 different versions of CC?  

CC is a separate, standalone program. You can send a character to CC for editing from with in iClone.

CC Lite is a demo version with a limited number of exports. There is also limited free content available, but purchased content will not work.

Posted 7 Years Ago
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Thanks, Tutor. I'm new to Reallusion products. What I'm trying to do is (Zbrush) customize models for import to CrazyTalk 8. 

What would I need to purchase besides CrazyTalk 8 and the non-demo version of Character Creator? Do I need iClone and 3DExchange as well?

The 2 products on this page:  appear to help me figure out the method of what I'm trying to do but I/m trying to figure out all the programs that I will have to purchase.

7 Years Ago by television_99
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Tutor, after rereading your post...are you saying CC is a standalone product but you must purchase iClone to get it because it works within iClone?

You can't purchase CC by itself, you have to buy iClone, but you can get a free lite version that is actually standalone but limited?
Posted 7 Years Ago
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television_99 (2/5/2017)
Tutor, after rereading your post...are you saying CC is a standalone product but you must purchase iClone to get it because it works within iClone?

You can't purchase CC by itself, you have to buy iClone, but you can get a free lite version that is actually standalone but limited?

Character Creator is a standalone program but it is included with an iClone 6 Pro license and requires iClone to function. I have never tried CC Lite (no need to), but it seems than that it can function without iClone, but with the noted restrictions.

I'm trying to think about your pipeline, and I believe you can do what you want to do without 3DXchange. It is relative easy to create morphs that will change the shape of your character and that is something that can be done with just CC. Customized clothing is possible but complicated (at least that what I find), so I would stay away from that initially.

You can export from CC as iAvatar, and that can be imported into CT8. (I had never done that but it works.)  You will need the Pipeline version of CT8 to be able to do this.

I've been told that Go-Z will be implemented in iClone at some point, so that would give you an even easier path to Z-brush. As you will have noticed, a new release of iClone is upcoming, so what features will be included and when is still sort of open.

Currently, CT8 Pipeline is also required to create faces from photographs for CC (that may change at some point), if that is of interest.

I wouldn't want to advise you incorrectly, so I hope others will chime in.

Posted 7 Years Ago
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Animagic, So, I need:

 CrazyTalk 8 pipeline,
 iClone(comes with CC)

I read the following on

If you have a good grasp on 3D modeling tools such as ZBrush, 3D-Coat, Mudbox, or even free ones like Sculptris and Blender, then you have the freedom of sculpting an exclusive characters based on your own design. To do so, first adjust and define the body proportion of the base morph in Character Creator (CC). Second, export it in .Obj format to other sculpting tools for further modeling. Once it’s done, import .Obj back to CC as a morph slider, for convenient character editing and style setting, before sending it to iClone for real-time animations.
*Note: You can direct import and export character morphs in .Obj format if you have purchased 3DXchange 6 PRO / Pipeline.

Does the *Note above suggest 3DXchange6Pro is necessary to import Objs whose vertices have been transformed/morphed in other programs back into iClone or is that nuanced and means something a little different? 

Miranda (RL)
Miranda (RL)
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Hi television_99,
This table might help you when making decision of the suitable product package.

Here are body templates (FBX/OBJ) of CC characters.

television_99 (2/5/2017)
Animagic, So, I need:

 CrazyTalk 8 pipeline,
 iClone(comes with CC)

I read the following on

If you have a good grasp on 3D modeling tools such as ZBrush, 3D-Coat, Mudbox, or even free ones like Sculptris and Blender, then you have the freedom of sculpting an exclusive characters based on your own design. To do so, first adjust and define the body proportion of the base morph in Character Creator (CC). Second, export it in .Obj format to other sculpting tools for further modeling. Once it’s done, import .Obj back to CC as a morph slider, for convenient character editing and style setting, before sending it to iClone for real-time animations.
*Note: You can direct import and export character morphs in .Obj format if you have purchased 3DXchange 6 PRO / Pipeline.

Does the *Note above suggest 3DXchange6Pro is necessary to import Objs whose vertices have been transformed/morphed in other programs back into iClone or is that nuanced and means something a little different? 

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