By HansRL - Last Year
Reallusion, a pioneer in enhancing the character workflows of 3D software users, is thrilled to announce the release of the free Character Creator Auto Setup for Autodesk 3ds Max. This groundbreaking tool automates the setup of shaders and rigs for CC Characters, offering lookdev essentials like lighting and PBR swapping to significantly streamlining the character creation process. Finally, realistic Arnold or V-Ray renders of CC or ActorCore characters is now possible without manual material graph setups.
Seamless character and animation import into 3ds max
3ds Max has been a cornerstone in the industry for 30 years, widely adopted by professionals for 3D modeling, animation production, archviz, concept art, and game development. Its powerful scripting capabilities make it essential for studios maintaining long-standing production workflows.
Character Creator, iClone, and ActorCore offer high-quality characters, animations, and assets for film studios and game developers. Traditionally, importing these characters into 3ds Max required complex setups, including creating and assigning material graphs for each part of the character. The Reallusion Auto Setup tool reduces workloads by automating the Digital Human shader and PBR material assignments for characters, outfits, props, and scenes in 3ds Max. Lifelike Digital Human Shader
Auto Setup automatically converts the CC Digital Human Shader into Arnold and V-Ray material graphs for realistic ray-traced rendering. Easily tweak texture details for skin, eyes, hair, teeth, and tongue using the Auto Setup options panel.
- Skin: Adjustable subsurface scattering, roughness, specularity, and micro-normal properties for achieving lifelike results.
- Hair & Beard: Enables natural color variations between hair strands and gradual chroma changes from root to tip.
- Eyes: Fully adjustable iris, sclera, limbus, and pupil components. Anatomical accuracy is represented with realistic roughness, depth, and refraction effects.
- Teeth: The Teeth Shader can adjust SSS, color, and brightness to reflect different natural constitutions, ages, or health conditions.
- Wrinkle: Enhances the appearance of CC3+ characters with high-resolution, multi-texture blending.

PBR Materials for Crowd, Prop, and SceneFor ActorCore crowd actors and models like cloth, accessories, props, or scene elements with PBR materials applied in CC and iClone, Auto Setup can automatically build the material graph, and provides matching PBR values, such as roughness and metallic that helps to ensure visual consistency. Crowd: Utilizing a specialized color adjustment panel, effortlessly expand material variations of ActorCore crowd characters, featuring distinct color regions for skin, hair, and attire.
 Prop & Scene: Seamlessly transfer and convert PBR materials from CC and iClone to 3ds Max, replicating the original aesthetics while preserving custom material adjustments.
 Crowd Simulation: Generate realistic masses with detailed facial expressions, accessories, and diverse animation styles using iClone. Seamlessly batch transfer these assets to 3ds Max in the same placement for final rendering.

Effortless animation with control rigs
The Auto Setup tool allows designers to easily add facial and body control rigs for custom animation of imported CC characters.
Face Rig
- Comprehensive facial control rigs for both CC3+ and ActorCore characters.
- More than 140 extended facial morphs for CC3+ characters.
- More than 60 standard facial morphs for 3D extras and crowd sim.
Body Rig
- Works with official Reallusion characters, including CC3+, ActorCore, and AccuRIG.
- All characters support 3ds Max Biped and CAT rigging.
- Easy body part selection via proxy objects, including dummy IK controllers for IK toggling.

Lightning-fast turnarounds with integrated look dev
The Auto Setup Look Dev mode supports different lighting presets, HDR templates and Macbeth Color Checker.
Light Presets
Includes five setups for close-up views and five for full shots, each adjustable to achieve the desired visual outcome, whether for high-quality main characters or low-poly crowd and extras.  HDR & Macbeth ChartAllowing for HDR background rotation to adjust lighting direction, and integration of custom EXR images. Also features a Macbeth Color Checker with Grey & Chrome balls for accurate color calibration and lighting analysis.
 V-Ray & Arnold Multi-pass Rendering
Auto Setup empowers the creation of realistic Arnold and V-Ray renders for high-definition characters from Character Creator, iClone, and ActorCore, and breaks down the rendering process into separate passes. Crowd Break down the rendering process into separate passes for diffuse color, specular highlights, shadows, and reflections. This allows fine-tuning specific visual elements and easy tweaking of the final image without re-rendering the entire scene.

CharacterEnabling flexible and different post-processing effects applications. Facilitating clearer organization of rendering tasks, enhancing overall rendering efficiency and quality in complex graphics applications.
 Free download and upcoming beta version for Maya
The Auto Setup for 3ds Max is available for free download upon registration on the Reallusion website. Recognizing Maya's pivotal role in film and game production, Reallusion is also developing a beta version of the Auto Setup tailored for Maya. Interested users can gain early access by signing up through an online form. For more information, including download instructions, visit the website.
Related resources
By AutoDidact - Last Year
I am not a Max user myself but this Autosetup for 3DS Max looks as complete as the one we have for Blender . Nice job Reallusion!!
By albertoluque - Last Year
Hello. I have installed CC_Auto_Setup for max 2024 but when starting up the script gives me an error. It says that the error is on line 2 of the script "start = (max_roaming.count-28+1)". can anybody help me?  
By luke (RL) - Last Year
Hi, albertoluque Can you try to modify the ms scritpt like this: '''
max_roaming = GetDir #privateExchangeStoreInstallPath temp_start = (max_roaming.count-28+1) script = replace max_roaming temp_start 28 "Reallusion\3dsMax\2024\CC_Auto_Setup\" python.ExecuteFile script '''
By albertoluque - Last Year
Hi Luke, thank you very much for your help. I have done what you suggested and the script error when starting MAX has disappeared, but the "reallusion" menu did not appear. It occurred to me to drag the script to the MAX window and the menu appeared and works.
Muchas gracias.
By Dream Think Lab - Last Year
Very excited about this plugin! Is there a plan to support Corona render or do we need to find a workflow to convert Arnold/Vray to Corona format?
Again, Thank you for this.
By davood.kharmanzar - Last Year
hey, is there any news for Maya too?
By animagic - Last Year
davood.kharmanzar (7/29/2024) hey, is there any news for Maya too? It says the following in Luke(RL)'s post above: "Recognizing Maya's pivotal role in film and game production, Reallusion is also developing a beta version of the Auto Setup tailored for Maya. Interested users can gain early access by signing up through an online form."
So, they are working on it.
By jmi3 - Last Year
Doesn't work for me. I get some errors.
By luke (RL) - Last Year
Hi, jmi3
It seems that the file cannot be found. Could you please check if the file exists in c:\program files\autodesk\3ds max 2025\stdplugs\stdscripts\Reallusion\? If not, please close 3ds Max and run install.bat again.
jmi3 (7/30/2024)
Doesn't work for me. I get some errors. .  
By jmi3 - Last Year
It looks like it is there.
By luke (RL) - Last Year
How about another path? c:\users\jmi3\appdata\roaming\reallusion\3dsmax\2025\cc_auto_setup\ ?
jmi3 (7/31/2024)
It looks like it is there. 
By jmi3 - Last Year
I don't have a Reallusion folder here. c:\users\jmi3\appdata\roaming
By Schellicon - Last Year
hi,1st thanks for building this thing!! i have some problems when creating a rig as a biped i got these error messages:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:\AutoSetup_Max\AutoSetup-for-3dsMax\build\rig\", line 92, in create_body_rig File "F:\AutoSetup_Max\AutoSetup-for-3dsMax\build\rig\", line 39, in create_rig IndexError: list index out of range
....i have no F drive am i doing something wrong? also same on cat rig i get same f drive errors need help here :) (i used the 2024 version) thanks Thorsten
By luke (RL) - Last Year
Hi, jmi13
There are two ways to solve it. 1. Close 3ds Max and run the install.bat file again. 2. Copy the lib folder and file into C:\Users\jmi3\AppData\Roaming\Reallusion\3dsMax\2025\CC_Auto_Setup\.
jmi3 (7/31/2024)
I don't have a Reallusion folder here. c:\users\jmi3\appdata\roaming

By luke (RL) - Last Year
Hi, Schellicon This error is a bit strange. Did you download and install it from the official website? Could you record your actions when the error occurs?
Schellicon (7/31/2024) hi,1st thanks for building this thing!! i have some problems when creating a rig as a biped i got these error messages:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:\AutoSetup_Max\AutoSetup-for-3dsMax\build\rig\", line 92, in create_body_rig File "F:\AutoSetup_Max\AutoSetup-for-3dsMax\build\rig\", line 39, in create_rig IndexError: list index out of range
....i have no F drive am i doing something wrong? also same on cat rig i get same f drive errors need help here :) (i used the 2024 version) thanks Thorsten
By Schellicon - Last Year
in the 2024 version (autosetuo v 1.0.0720.1) it doesn`t import the bones (skin is empty , no bones in scene , but character is loaded as it should), so biped, cat and face rig cannot work. import without autosetup has bones imported correctly
same file tested with autosetup in 3dsmax 2025 works perfect!! including biped , cat and face rig! ;D
By mbetts_586468 - Last Year
Every time I try to create biped rig it gets stuck at 40% and never finishes the rig setup. Tested in 2023 and 2025, same issue
Can anyone help?
By luke (RL) - Last Year
Hi, mbetts_586468 It's a defect. The current workaround is to select the CC_Base_Body mesh and then press the create rig button; that should work.
mbetts_586468 (8/15/2024) Every time I try to create biped rig it gets stuck at 40% and never finishes the rig setup. Tested in 2023 and 2025, same issue
Can anyone help?
By luke (RL) - Last Year
Hi, Schellicon If possible, could you please send me the FBX file? I’d like to check where the issue might be.
Schellicon (8/2/2024) in the 2024 version (autosetuo v 1.0.0720.1) it doesn`t import the bones (skin is empty , no bones in scene , but character is loaded as it should), so biped, cat and face rig cannot work. import without autosetup has bones imported correctly
same file tested with autosetup in 3dsmax 2025 works perfect!! including biped , cat and face rig! ;D
By davood.kharmanzar - Last Year
animagic (7/29/2024) Interested users can gain early access by signing up through an online form."
where is this online form?
By Vit3D - Last Year
Thank You very much for great addon! I'd like to ask -- Do you plan to add support for converting materials to RedShift format in the future? RedShift is becoming more and more popular as it is much faster than V-Ray. with almost the same quality.
By amckenzie - Last Year
Any updates on the Maya beta for this. Keen to explore further.
By sprattartz - Last Year
Hi, got a problem where the fbx anim data wont load onto rig, it loads it onto the geo and rips the rig out iclone 8 /3ds max 2023 help!