OFFICIAL Character Creator 3.2, 3.21 and 3.22 Issues Thread
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By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
Dear Character Creator Users,

We have now released the 3.2 update for Character Creator 3 which as added numerous new and exciting new features plus bug fixes. However, as always we still need your assistance to help us track down any bugs, glitches or other annoying issues that may still remain.

Important: If you do find any bugs, issues or glitches in Character Creator 3.2, please can you report them first in the Feedback Tracker. Then feel free to discuss the issues in this thread but do try to include a link back to the original Feedback Tracker report or your tracker number.

As always it will help us greatly if we can keep all technical issue discussion in the one place (this thread). This will help the development team keep track of any problems.

Please do try to provide your full system specifications and a detailed description of the problem when reporting issues. If you can provide steps so we can try and reproduce the problem that will be even better.

Many thanks and have fun with Character Creator 3.2. :)
By Snarp Farkle - 6 Years Ago
CC3 will not open  Feedback Tracker
After installing CC3_Enu_Resource_Pack2_111819 CC3 will not open.

A window appears that says "Color Depth and resolution are not compatible. Please set color depth to 32 bits and resolution to1024x720."

It did open before installing the CC3_Enu_Resource_Pack2 but not now after installing the resource pack. I tried restarting the computer but it still won't open. It did open before installing the CC3_Enu_Resource_Pack2 but not now after installing the resource pack. I tried restarting the computer but it still won't open. :(:(

No instructions on what this means or how to correct it.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
Hi Snarp

I'm sorry to hear you have had problems with Character Creator 3.2.

I have just run a test installing the Resource Pack 2 and had no problems launching CC3 afterwards so it doesn't look  like there is an issue with the pack itself.

Regarding the error message, please try opening your Nvidia Control Panel and refer to the Color Depth setting in the image below. Does your setting show 32bit? Do also check you are using a standard resolution like 1920 x 1080. Using a non-standard resolution could cause problems in CC3.

Also have you customized your Nvidia 3D Graphics settings in any way? For iClone and Character Creator it is always recommended that you use the default "Application Controlled" setting. Try setting it back to default if you have changed it and see if that makes a difference launching Character Creator.
By rjj1234 - 6 Years Ago
Hi Peter,  is there any way I could import an FBX or OBJ character made in Z-Brush into into CC 3.2  and use it so that I could have either Faceware or Live Motions facilal mocap.  Would there be any modifications to this model which would allow me to do this? Many thanks for any suggestions.  Robert
By Snarp Farkle - 6 Years Ago
Hi Peter,

Those are the NVIDIA settings I have.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling CC3 through the HUB but still get the same error.  Next will be doing the same without the hub to see if that makes a difference. 

It's really odd that CC3 loaded fine before installing the second resource pack, and it all worked fine on the laptop.  The only thing I can think of that I did differently is that I closed down CC3 before installing the pack, and that was because the eye-whites on the new characters were black and I thought the resource pack would fix that, not so in iClone, in iClone I installed its resource packs while it was still open and it seems fine.

Just another weird thing to add to my weird things list! :P
By Hookflash - 6 Years Ago
I'm also having issues installing the new resource pack. I'm getting a CRC error on the file "4K_CC3_DH_Kevin.ccSkin" ("Doesn't match the file in the setup's CAB file")

EDIT: This is very strange. I'm getting CRC error on both the iClone and CC3 resource packs, and the weirdest thing is that, when I redownload them, I get CRC error on different files in the CAB. I'm not experiencing any network issues (that I know of) in any other applications, so I can only assume there's an issue with the Reallusion servers that's causing data corruption?
By Snarp Farkle - 6 Years Ago
Hi Hookflash

Be sure to enter your issue in the FeedBack Tracker in case others run into the same problems as you.

Hope you can sort it out.
By Snarp Farkle - 6 Years Ago
I fixed it!

After reinstalling CC3 three more times and still getting the popup, I decided to go ahead and change my resolution settings to 1024x768, close enough for a trial to see what would happen, and CC3 opened!

It was all huge and ugly looking but... it opened!!!

I then went back to the 1920x1080 resolution, without closing CC3, and it's all good now! Closed and opened CC3 a few times to see if it stayed fixed and so far it has!

Even did a test render without CC3 quitting which is a big plus!

I still think that there is something buggy with the CC3_Enu_Resource_Pack2_111819 and it should be looked into, CC3 opened fine before I installed it.
By Scyra - 6 Years Ago

I had a problem with a Unity default import setting being overridden from some earlier experiments...
By wlokaz_87 - 6 Years Ago

Ihave the same problem - after uploading patches 3.2 the CC programdoes not start, no messages are displayed. Any attempts to change thegraphic settings have no effect.

By LookingGlassGraphics - 6 Years Ago

It seems several of us are having the same issue. I will try that troubleshooting mentioned above by the user Snark Farkle and see if that helps. It looks as if there is definitely a bug somewhere within the new update.
By LookingGlassGraphics - 6 Years Ago
Snarp, how are you? After you did the troubleshooting were the eyes still dark?
By LookingGlassGraphics - 6 Years Ago
I tried the trouble shooting mentioned but it still crashes. 
By TonyDPrime - 6 Years Ago
I ran into a couple issues with ENU Resource Pack 2
1 - Hub would not install, kept saying install encountered error or was cancelled
2 - I double clicked embedded content with "FREE" indication which brought me to download option through MS Edge Browser.  But MSEdge Browser would DL fully and said unknown certificate, corrupt 
3 - I copied the link that into Chrome and was able to successfully download.  Upon executing file I got that Blue Win 10 Defender screen, where it blocks/checks install...I had to choose "MORE INFO > RUN ANYWAY"
4 - I got errors regarding .CAB files not matching, and I chose 'Ignore' option (Hasenplatz.HDR, DH Shader Base Female)
5 - Install was successful, but now ResourcePack2 still shows as an available update in Hub

Anyway, So!  Now it works in CC3, but I noticed this- eyelash is detached on sample project.

Ah, just the way it goes...what-ya' gonna do, right?.... :rolleyes:
By wires - 6 Years Ago
I've installed the Resource Pack 2 without any issues, but none of the DH skins are appearing as advertised - sort of pale blue on any and all characters. :sick::Whistling:

Also, it's not listed for download in my account, I only knew that it was available by clicking on of the characters marked "Free". :unsure:
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
rjj1234 (11/18/2019)
Hi Peter,  is there any way I could import an FBX or OBJ character made in Z-Brush into into CC 3.2  and use it so that I could have either Faceware or Live Motions facilal mocap.  Would there be any modifications to this model which would allow me to do this? Many thanks for any suggestions.  Robert


You can't import a custom character that was created from scratch in other 3D software into Character Creator 3, but you can import it into iClone using 3DXchange 7 Pro/Pipeline as long as it is rigged. Once converted in 3DXchange it can then be used for facial mocap using Faceware or Live Face (iPhone).

Alternatively, you can send a CC character from Character Creator 3 Pipeline to ZBrush using GoZ and then sculpt the CC character using the advanced sculpting tools of ZBrush.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
Hookflash (11/18/2019)
I'm also having issues installing the new resource pack. I'm getting a CRC error on the file "4K_CC3_DH_Kevin.ccSkin" ("Doesn't match the file in the setup's CAB file")

EDIT: This is very strange. I'm getting CRC error on both the iClone and CC3 resource packs, and the weirdest thing is that, when I redownload them, I get CRC error on different files in the CAB. I'm not experiencing any network issues (that I know of) in any other applications, so I can only assume there's an issue with the Reallusion servers that's causing data corruption?

CRC errors normally occur when the downloaded file is incomplete or corrupt. This may have been because there was an interruption in your internet connection or our servers had temporary issues at the time. In either case you should try and download again, but do ensure you don't have any other downloads running at the same time to reduce the risk of problems.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
Snarp Farkle (11/19/2019)

I fixed it!

Great to hear you managed to resolve the problem eventually. Thanks for keeping us updated.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
wlokaz_87 (11/19/2019)

Ihave the same problem - after uploading patches 3.2 the CC programdoes not start, no messages are displayed. Any attempts to change thegraphic settings have no effect.

Do you have latest graphics drivers installed? This is very important if you have an Nvidia graphics card.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
LookingGlassGraphics (11/19/2019)

It seems several of us are having the same issue. I will try that troubleshooting mentioned above by the user Snark Farkle and see if that helps. It looks as if there is definitely a bug somewhere within the new update.

The issue reported by Snarp Farkle came after installing Resource Pack 2. Did that happen to you or was  straight after installing the CC 3.2 update?

I would advise first ensuring your graphics drivers are up to date (especially if you have an Nvidia graphics card), but if that makes no difference, try uninstalling CC3 and reinstall the latest full version using the Reallusion Hub. This will hopefully resolve the problem for you. Reinstalling won't remove your purchased content packs or custom content so you won't have to reinstall everything again.
By takecover - 6 Years Ago
wlokaz_87 (11/19/2019)

Ihave the same problem - after uploading patches 3.2 the CC programdoes not start, no messages are displayed. Any attempts to change thegraphic settings have no effect.

I've experienced the same issue.
The way I resolved it was to uninstall CC3, and reinstall it via Reallusion Hub.
I doubt if the update file v3.2 does not include the other required component updates for pipeline extension or iray render plug-in.
By 4u2ges - 6 Years Ago
First of all I applaud RL for the latest updates and a headshot generator. Job well done guys!

I have a little chance to play with the everything.
Thus far I have one complain about linked media.
So the question: Why are we going back to IC6 era?
I am sure it was asked during beta, but can someone tell me why we have linked media for Digital Shaders?

If you tell me that is because embedding those large images into the project is not practical, I will not take it as an answer.

There are dozen files linked to the character Digital Shader for different parts of the body.
It would be a pain going through each and every one of the them and clicking embed, If I would want to do it.

Aside from that, there are plenty of room for optimization.
Take a look at that monster Micro normal map for body. A whooping 24 Mb PNG file!
Of course If I embed that to every character (even given that it would be linked for each body part), it would be a huge waste or disk and project space.
It is highly impractical to store normal map of this type in PNG format anyway.

I converted Micro normal map to 70% compressed JPEG format and the size of it now is 1.3 Mb
Below I compare the two - one is 24 Mb PNG and another 1.3 Mb JPEG with 200% zoom (no one ever going to observe the skin that close anyway). But can you tell me which is which?
(screenshot itself is 32 bit PNG so there is no quality loss).

I believe other texture files in that shader folder could be optimized and embedded as well.
This is also problem for developers where shared media on the client might be stored in different path.

Problems above need to be addressed in the next update IMO.

By Scyra - 6 Years Ago
The one on the right is clearly compressed! (sorry)

It is strange about the Micro Normal — if you save out the texture it is only 7.45 MB, which is closer to what you would expect from a 2K PNG. Comparing it to the embedded file....ohhh, I's 48-bit instead of 32-bit. That really is unnecessary.
By 4u2ges - 6 Years Ago
The one on the right is clearly compressed! (sorry)

lol fine, but can you honestly tell the difference when it is applied?

BTW it is 64 bit! Damn!

A mouth ambient occlusion - a TGA 4mb file.... Really?

By Scyra - 6 Years Ago
Well, I'm kind of messing with you...I am unusually perceptive for these kind of differences. The darkest blue color represents how deep the normal cuts into the mesh, and I see that the compressed one would result in a more shallow cut. But when saving a Photoshop JPEG at setting 10 (of 12 — Maximum), I can't tell the difference, and it results in a 1.17 MB file.
By 4u2ges - 6 Years Ago
I am unusually perceptive for these kind of differences.

I thought I was :hehe:

But my bad, the jpeg file was 1.03 after 70% saving for web (which I usually do not do) and with  level 10 is 1.17 Mb - totally acceptable.
They should go through the whole folder now, optimise and embed texture.

By Snarp Farkle - 6 Years Ago
LookingGlassGraphics (11/19/2019)
Snarp, how are you? After you did the troubleshooting were the eyes still dark?

The eye whites were black  when CC3 opened after the initial install, but not so once I fixed the resolution issues and reinstalled the third time.

For anyone that had the same issues as I had and are trying the same fix I posted on the first page of this thread, after I set my resolution back to the default state everything, (as in web pages, explorer windows, ect.) were still displaying out of sync, ie: still to large for the screen. 

To fix this I went into windows display settings and reset the default settings to 125%, then back to the default 150%, and everything came back to normal.

By jarretttowe - 6 Years Ago
Webp support would be optimal in this regard!

4u2ges (11/20/2019)

I believe other texture files in that shader folder could be optimized and embedded as well.
This is also problem for developers where shared media on the client might be stored in different path.

Problems above need to be addressed in the next update IMO.

By wlokaz_87 - 6 Years Ago

I received help from Admin Reallusion. I have followed the order and it is now OK. I downloaded CC3.2 from the wrong place. The correct account is: My account, Registration. greetings
By animagic - 6 Years Ago
Scyra (11/20/2019)
The one on the right is clearly compressed! (sorry)

It is strange about the Micro Normal — if you save out the texture it is only 7.45 MB, which is closer to what you would expect from a 2K PNG. Comparing it to the embedded file....ohhh, I's 48-bit instead of 32-bit. That really is unnecessary.

I would think 24-bits is enough, because you don't need the alpha channel.
By LookingGlassGraphics - 6 Years Ago
Feedback Tracker

Hello Peter, how are you? I tried unistalling the programs again and reinstalling. I uninstalled CC3 and the CC3 pipeline as per Rampa's insight in the support ticket. I then reinstalled those with any updates, but before I installed the resource pack with the CC 3.2 update, I tested the 3.2 updated without installing any resource pack to see if that was in fact the issue. The program still crashed. I then installed the resource pack as apart of the update from the Reallusion Hub as well as from within the program itself, by clicking on the "free" assets within, which installed the additional resources, as per Rampa's insight in the support ticket. This didn't work either as the program crashed shortly after of even when I try to make any modifications to the base character. The only change I saw was that the character base no longer had darkened eyes. I let Rampa know this earlier today and I am awaiting a response via Tech support. So far everything I tried isn't working. Updated windows, updated both versions of the Nvidia driver, Game and Studio while testing those individually, adjusting the visual settings in the Nvidia control panel, and adding the program (CC3) to the program settings tab within Nvidia control panel. Nothing seems to work so far. I'm not having any other issues with Iclone, nor the other programs I have on my desktop. To be honest I'm baffled trying to figure this out.
By theschemer - 6 Years Ago
When I start up CC 3.2 in the splash screen it says:

"building morph slider cache for faster import please wait a while for this one time operation"

Is it supposed to do this every time we run the program or just once to set it up??

By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
LookingGlassGraphics (11/20/2019)
Feedback Tracker

Hello Peter, how are you? I tried unistalling the programs again and reinstalling. I uninstalled CC3 and the CC3 pipeline as per Rampa's insight in the support ticket. I then reinstalled those with any updates, but before I installed the resource pack with the CC 3.2 update, I tested the 3.2 updated without installing any resource pack to see if that was in fact the issue. The program still crashed. I then installed the resource pack as apart of the update from the Reallusion Hub as well as from within the program itself, by clicking on the "free" assets within, which installed the additional resources, as per Rampa's insight in the support ticket. This didn't work either as the program crashed shortly after of even when I try to make any modifications to the base character. The only change I saw was that the character base no longer had darkened eyes. I let Rampa know this earlier today and I am awaiting a response via Tech support. So far everything I tried isn't working. Updated windows, updated both versions of the Nvidia driver, Game and Studio while testing those individually, adjusting the visual settings in the Nvidia control panel, and adding the program (CC3) to the program settings tab within Nvidia control panel. Nothing seems to work so far. I'm not having any other issues with Iclone, nor the other programs I have on my desktop. To be honest I'm baffled trying to figure this out.


Really sorry to hear you having so many problems.

As the issue is with Support now I'm sure they will do everything possible to get you up and running again as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.
By LookingGlassGraphics - 6 Years Ago

This issue has been resolved. It was a registry issue with the installation file. Rampa has assisted me and gave me a step by step on how to resolve the issue.
I removed the programs, cleaned the registry and then after reinstalling the software and plugins I was able to use the program without it crashing. Thank you.
FYI, I had similar issue, both CC v3.2 and iClone v77 wouldn't pass the splash screen and the "Please wait.." message.
Installing the latest NVidia driver v441.20 (I had v436.30) solved the issue.
By animagic - 6 Years Ago
The Near and Far values for the Clipping Plane for the camera (which apparently has been added in 3.2) cannot be set independently. 

The default is a range between 0.1 and 999.0 (used to be 1 and 9999 for iClone). When changing one of the values, the other one follows. For example, when setting Far to 9999, the value of Near becomes 1.

One undesirable consequence is that when setting the maximum value for Far (99999), the Near value becomes 10, thus cutting off the nose of a face when it is close, for example.

I just checked and the same issue now also occurs in iClone 7.7. Setting Near to 99999 causes Near to become 10, which is incorrect. Code sharing is good, but not when the code is wrong. Please RL institute regression testing!

As this is pretty disastrous, especially for iClone with far ranging scenes, I'll enter this in FT later.

Added: FT entry is #6457.
By TonyDPrime - 6 Years Ago
I noticed Iris UV size can only go from 0 up to 1.6.  Cannot be overridden with a type-in number like most other values.
Seems like an arbitrary #, I could imagine going much higher.
I know there are morphs also to enlarge, but would be nice if the value could go up to, I don't know, 5 or something?
Just to cover all extremes.
By blackhawk - 6 Years Ago
I have been unable to run GoZ in CC3.2.  I have attempted to install GoZ in zBrush 2020 several times and have gotten the attached error message. And yes I have run zBrush as administrator each time.  Has anyone else had any problems?
By wolfwonk - 6 Years Ago
I've tried multiple times to get the trial to work and I just get the splash screen then the process ends... 

Uninstalled, reinstalled and nothing. 

Checked driver and I have the latest, any idea guys?
By gordryd - 6 Years Ago
I am experiencing several issues since the CC3.2 update (I have Pipeline version).  Could be Operator Error, but here goes...

If I load CC3_DH_0Male.ccAvatar  and then try to apply Skin Template> Normal> DH Shader Preset> Dark Male
1) The first issue is that this shader is still marked as "Trial"
2) The second is when I apply the shader and uncheck "Apply Material without Shader Settings" box, the skin color doesn't change.  But if you check the box the skin turns pure white.  How do you get dark DH skin?
3) If I load Scene Project Template> Avatar> Base> CC1 Base_Sustance> CC1_Base Female, then apply "Eyes_01" the eyes bulge out through the eyelids (see picture).  Converting to CC3 doesn't fix it, and neither does "Correct Eyeblink".

4) Also, the program crashed 2X in a row after working on a CC3 character and then trying to load a CC1 character.

By wires - 6 Years Ago
There are 2 Resource Packs for CC3.2 and both have been updated. Have you installed the new versions? They are available for download from your user account.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
blackhawk (11/28/2019)
I have been unable to run GoZ in CC3.2.  I have attempted to install GoZ in zBrush 2020 several times and have gotten the attached error message. And yes I have run zBrush as administrator each time.  Has anyone else had any problems?


If you are continuing to have this problem, please contact Technical Support using the link below. Thanks.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
wolfwonk (11/29/2019)
I've tried multiple times to get the trial to work and I just get the splash screen then the process ends... 

Uninstalled, reinstalled and nothing. 

Checked driver and I have the latest, any idea guys?

Can you share your system specifications including your graphics card. Thanks.
By gordryd - 6 Years Ago
I downloaded and installed latest resource pack(s) for CC3.2 and still have all the same problems (except the "Trial" label is now gone):
I loaded CC3_DH_0Male.ccAvatar  and then tried to apply Skin Template> Normal> DH Shader Preset> Dark Male (actually, none of the shaders have any apparent effect on the character)
When I apply the shader and uncheck "Apply Material without Shader Settings" box, the skin color doesn't change.  But if you check the box the skin turns pure white.  How do you apply the DH shader to affect the skin color?
Applying any of the new eyes (for example, "Eyes_01") to a CC1 character will make the eyes bulge out through the eyelids (see picture).  Converting to CC3 doesn't fix it, and neither does "Correct Eyeblink".
By luke (RL) - 6 Years Ago
gordryd (12/4/2019)
I downloaded and installed latest resource pack(s) for CC3.2 and still have all the same problems (except the "Trial" label is now gone):
I loaded CC3_DH_0Male.ccAvatar  and then tried to apply Skin Template> Normal> DH Shader Preset> Dark Male (actually, none of the shaders have any apparent effect on the character)
When I apply the shader and uncheck "Apply Material without Shader Settings" box, the skin color doesn't change.  But if you check the box the skin turns pure white.  How do you apply the DH shader to affect the skin color?
Applying any of the new eyes (for example, "Eyes_01") to a CC1 character will make the eyes bulge out through the eyelids (see picture).  Converting to CC3 doesn't fix it, and neither does "Correct Eyeblink".

CC1 character need to use the eyes under this path (\Template\Character Creator 3 Template\Eye\CC1 Base)
If you want to use CC3 eyes, please use the adjust bone to fix the pop-up issue.
The new shader presets only have shader parameters so it won't affect your skin color or map.
By friday2sense - 6 Years Ago
Speaking of eyes, the 3.2 template eyes appear more "natural," but they're so bloodshot and moist, they look like somebody drank until 2am and they're still crying over a lost love. I'm not finding Appearance or Materials edit options in Modify. Any thoughts about adding a "Healthy-Looking" eye package?
By luke (RL) - 6 Years Ago
friday2sense (12/4/2019)
Speaking of eyes, the 3.2 template eyes appear more "natural," but they're so bloodshot and moist, they look like somebody drank until 2am and they're still crying over a lost love. I'm not finding Appearance or Materials edit options in Modify. Any thoughts about adding a "Healthy-Looking" eye package?

You can remove the base color blend map to get the *clean* eyes
By dankdrft - 6 Years Ago
CC3 Asks for RLSysRegAgent to auth as admin, when I hit accept, CC3 crashes on export to iclone or FBX. 

It hasn't asked me for a serial yet, which is what I think the auto auth is for, but this is a new issue. CC3 ran perfect with iclone for months.

By dickdickdick999 - 6 Years Ago
CC3 will NOT recognize the additional content downloaded after purchasing it.

I have contacted support, uninstalled everything and manually deleted remaining appdata directories, as well as used the registry cleaner tool they provided to me.

When I reinstall the hub, it somehow has me already signed in, and behaves as though CC3 is installed.

It will not allow me to uninstall it, or open it.

Now I am worse off than when I contacted support.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
dankdrft (12/21/2019)
CC3 Asks for RLSysRegAgent to auth as admin, when I hit accept, CC3 crashes on export to iclone or FBX. 

It hasn't asked me for a serial yet, which is what I think the auto auth is for, but this is a new issue. CC3 ran perfect with iclone for months.

When you install Character Creator 3 using the Reallusion Hub it won't ask for a serial number. The RLSysRegAgent is used to check your account for software that is registered and then it install it.

Do first check that you have the latest graphics drivers installed as this should help stability, but If you continue to have problems with crashing, please contact Technical Support and let them have your dxdiag.txt. Thanks.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
dickdickdick999 (12/31/2019)
CC3 will NOT recognize the additional content downloaded after purchasing it.

I have contacted support, uninstalled everything and manually deleted remaining appdata directories, as well as used the registry cleaner tool they provided to me.

When I reinstall the hub, it somehow has me already signed in, and behaves as though CC3 is installed.

It will not allow me to uninstall it, or open it.

Now I am worse off than when I contacted support.

Sorry to hear you are having problems with Character Creator 3. 

Did you uninstall using the Windows uninstaller (Settings > Apps > Uninstall in Windows 10) or did you just delete the program folders? If the latter then that is likely why the Hub still sees CC3 as being installed.

If you have an open support ticket you can expect to hear back from Support with further advice soon. They will be able to provide further help in getting CC3 reinstalled.
By dickdickdick999 - 5 Years Ago
I used the windows installer. 

Support just told me not to use the hub. lol
By TonyDPrime - 5 Years Ago
The main texture file slots for an avatar (Diffuse, Normal, AO, Roughness, etc...) always have the COPY and PASTE grayed out when mouse-right-clicked.
This is opposed to iClone, which lets you copy paste the main textures in the Texture Settings via a mouse-right-click.
By animagic - 5 Years Ago
Tony, I just tried this with a character I'm currently working on and for me it works.
By animagic - 5 Years Ago
I just found out that when doing a restore of a project created with Head Shot, all Head Shot information is lost. It would be nice if that information could be included in that restore.

EDIT: I added this to Feedback Tracker as issue #6600.
By TonyDPrime - 5 Years Ago
No morph name for Default head
By Peter (RL) - 5 Years Ago
animagic (1/8/2020)
I just found out that when doing a restore of a project created with Head Shot, all Head Shot information is lost. It would be nice if that information could be included in that restore.

EDIT: I added this to Feedback Tracker as issue #6600.

Thank you for notifying us of this issue. The issue has been confirmed and the team plan to fix it in the first available update.
By Peter (RL) - 5 Years Ago
Reminder: To make sure problems get looked at, please do remember to post all issues found in the Feedback Tracker as well as discussing here. Thanks.
By mrtobycook - 5 Years Ago
Hi Peter :-) I just posted this in feedback tracker but would love some help! :-)
When I first installed CC3, I set my external files to a certain place. Everything seems to work fine. They are here:
But when I upgraded to version 3.21, and then installed the DIGITAL HUMAN content stuff, it all thinks the textures are in that default place:
And actually, even more confusingly, it seems that it thinks some of the stuff is here:
Very frustrating and is taking forever to relink everything! :-(

By mrtobycook - 5 Years Ago
Just to follow on from my post - the even STRANGER thing is that if I just "OK" the dialogue box that says the textures are missing, it seems they all work - maybe except the eyeball? Which is black? :-)

AND even if I manually link everything (well, I can't relink the HDR as it won't let me choose a .hdr file grrrrrrr), the eyeball is still black. What is happening?? :-)
By Peter (RL) - 5 Years Ago
mrtobycook (1/20/2020)
Hi Peter :-) I just posted this in feedback tracker but would love some help! :-)
When I first installed CC3, I set my external files to a certain place. Everything seems to work fine. They are here:
But when I upgraded to version 3.21, and then installed the DIGITAL HUMAN content stuff, it all thinks the textures are in that default place:
And actually, even more confusingly, it seems that it thinks some of the stuff is here:
Very frustrating and is taking forever to relink everything! :-(

Hi Toby

Sorry to hear you are having problems with Character Creator.

Have you moved any content folders since your original installation? If you have then this will be the cause of the problems.

When you install iClone or Character Creator you can choose the location of your Template and Custom content folders. Once you have chosen the drive and folders used for your content you should not try to move the content anywhere else. Normally when this is observed all future content installs will automatically be placed in the correct folders.

While it is possible to edit the system registry to correct issues finding content, it is normally quicker and safer to uninstall and reinstall CC3 again paying careful attention to where you are choosing to install your content.

However if you are experienced with Registry Editing you can choose to manually edit the content locations in the two areas below.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Reallusion\Character Creator\3.0


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Reallusion\Character Creator\3.0
By michael.pickering - 5 Years Ago
mrtobycook (1/20/2020)
Just to follow on from my post - the even STRANGER thing is that if I just "OK" the dialogue box that says the textures are missing, it seems they all work - maybe except the eyeball? Which is black? :-)

AND even if I manually link everything (well, I can't relink the HDR as it won't let me choose a .hdr file grrrrrrr), the eyeball is still black. What is happening?? :-)

I just encountered a similar problem with the eyes of a character created in a previous CC3 version when I tried to update to Digital Human Shader. After the change, other materials look better but the eyes turned black!
By michael.pickering - 5 Years Ago
I'll also post this in Feedback Tracker, but here's further information on the issue with eye materials upon conversion to "Digital Human Shader":

By achimxx - 5 Years Ago

Character Creator 3.21 Pipeline starts normally, but when loading any file, it shows "Loading Stream ...", then "Converting data ...", then while showing "Please Wait ..." it crashes (Application disappears from the screen with no error message).
I tried many of the game ready and studio drivers (Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti) with no effect. I also tried to uninstall CC3, to clean the registration, and to reinstall CC3. Nothing helped.

Intel i7 4000 MHz
Memory 64 GB
By Peter (RL) - 5 Years Ago
achimxx (1/26/2020)

Character Creator 3.21 Pipeline starts normally, but when loading any file, it shows "Loading Stream ...", then "Converting data ...", then while showing "Please Wait ..." it crashes (Application disappears from the screen with no error message).
I tried many of the game ready and studio drivers (Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti) with no effect. I also tried to uninstall CC3, to clean the registration, and to reinstall CC3. Nothing helped.

Intel i7 4000 MHz
Memory 64 GB


If you are still having this issue, please contact Technical Support using the link below and let them have your dxdiag.txt. They will then be able to check for any problems that may be causing this issue.
By Peter (RL) - 5 Years Ago
Dear Character Creator Users,

We have now released the 3.22 update for Character Creator 3.

Important: If you do find any bugs, issues or glitches in Character Creator 3.22, please can you report them first in the Feedback Tracker. Then feel free to discuss the issues in this thread but do try to include a link back to the original Feedback Tracker report or your tracker number.

As always it will help us greatly if we can keep all technical issue discussion in the one place (this thread). This will help the development team keep track of any problems.

Please do try to provide your full system specifications and a detailed description of the problem when reporting issues. If you can provide steps so we can try and reproduce the problem that will be even better.

Many thanks and have fun with Character Creator 3.22. :)
By Colonel_Klink - 5 Years Ago
Not sure if this pre-existed in 3.2x or not as I haven't done much in the way of CC3 morphs until recently. However this new problem exists not only with importing avatar obj's exported from CC3 and altered in Zbrush, and imported to create morph sliders. It also happens with avatars exported as obj's and re-imported without alteration. See attached picture which should explain the problem I have. A reinstall of CC3 did not fix the issue

Feedback Tracker
By Power Ten Productions - 5 Years Ago
Send to iClone is no longer working. It starts the process in Character Creator and then stops and doesn't open iClone or do anything further. This used to work fine on my computer. What information would you need to diagnose why this isn't working? A full system restart didn't work either.
By Postfrosch - 5 Years Ago
Hi Power Ten Productions
Look here:
The same problem
Greets from Germany

By animagic - 5 Years Ago
Power Ten Productions (2/26/2020)
Send to iClone is no longer working. It starts the process in Character Creator and then stops and doesn't open iClone or do anything further. This used to work fine on my computer. What information would you need to diagnose why this isn't working? A full system restart didn't work either.

It should work with regular clothing, but for low-poly clothing there's a problem. See the post above.
By Mattanza237 - 5 Years Ago
Hi, issue 6700
Just installed the last free CC3 trial and simply the viewport is way too slow too operate...
I've also installed IClone and copied the preferences... One work, the other not.

By animagic - 5 Years Ago
Please provide your system specifications. Without that it is impossible to provide assistance. 
By Mattanza237 - 5 Years Ago
W10 Pro 64bIntel Xeon 2.3 GHz 32Gb RAMGeForce RTX 2060
By Peter (RL) - 5 Years Ago
Mattanza237 (2/27/2020)
Hi, issue 6700
Just installed the last free CC3 trial and simply the viewport is way too slow too operate...
I've also installed IClone and copied the preferences... One work, the other not.


Do check if your computer has switchable graphics (both Intel and Nvidia). Many laptops for example have this kind of configurable graphics option to save battery life.

So try right clicking on your Desktop and choose "Nvidia Control Panel". Now select "Manage 3D Settings" from the left panel and then click the "Program Settings" tab from the right side. Now look through the list of programs and make sure that Character Creator 3 is using the Nvidia GTX 2060. Important: Do also make sure that you have not customized the graphics settings in the Nvidia Control Panel. You should be using the default "Application Controlled" setting for CC3 to avoid any problems.

Finally do make sure you update your graphics drivers to the latest available. Outdated drivers can cause performance issues so its worth checking.

By Mattanza237 - 5 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (2/27/2020)
Mattanza237 (2/27/2020)
Hi, issue 6700
Just installed the last free CC3 trial and simply the viewport is way too slow too operate...
I've also installed IClone and copied the preferences... One work, the other not.


Do check if your computer has switchable graphics (both Intel and Nvidia). Many laptops for example have this kind of configurable graphics option to save battery life.

So try right clicking on your Desktop and choose "Nvidia Control Panel". Now select "Manage 3D Settings" from the left panel and then click the "Program Settings" tab from the right side. Now look through the list of programs and make sure that Character Creator 3 is using the Nvidia GTX 2060. Important: Do also make sure that you have not customized the graphics settings in the Nvidia Control Panel. You should be using the default "Application Controlled" setting for CC3 to avoid any problems.

Finally do make sure you update your graphics drivers to the latest available. Outdated drivers can cause performance issues so its worth checking.

Thanks for the reply, Peter. Tried your suggestions (it's a desktop pc, not a laptop).
It is improved, a bit, but remains stuck, crashes quite often and it is impossibile to manage...
IClone remains good and easy to use...

By the way... If I try to open CC without internet, it loads at full speed, then it crashes due to lack of internet... With internet on it is slow and crashes while working...
Any other help?
By Peter (RL) - 5 Years Ago

Thanks for updating us.

To help you get the problem resolved as soon as possible, please can you send your dxdiag.txt to Technical Support using the link below so they can check for any other problems. You certainly shouldn't be having crashes and performance problems with your specs so something else is amiss.

To generate a dxdiag.txt: 

a) Type "dxdiag.exe" in the Task Bar Search box and click "dxdiag.exe run command" from the search list.
b) It will then check your system for a while, after finishing, click "save all information"
c) Save "DxDiag.txt". and send this to Support as an attachment.
By CheechWizard - 5 Years Ago
At least you can get CC3 to load. It keeps telling me that i need a graphics card compatible with directx 11 (which i have. geforce gts 1070 on windows 10, hp omen). I've unintstalled and reinstalled twice. Everything is completely updated.
By Peter (RL) - 5 Years Ago
CheechWizard (3/23/2020)
At least you can get CC3 to load. It keeps telling me that i need a graphics card compatible with directx 11 (which i have. geforce gts 1070 on windows 10, hp omen). I've unintstalled and reinstalled twice. Everything is completely updated.

If you have an HP Omen laptop then these have switchable graphics (both Intel and Nvidia). Many laptops for example have this kind of configurable graphics option to save battery life.

So try right clicking on your Desktop and choose "Nvidia Control Panel". Now select "Manage 3D Settings" from the left panel and then click the "Program Settings" tab from the right side. Now look through the list of programs and make sure that Character Creator 3 is using the Nvidia GTX 1070 and not the Intel graphics. Important: Do also make sure that you have not customized the graphics settings in the Nvidia Control Panel. You should be using the default "Application Controlled" setting for CC3 to avoid any problems.

Once you have ensured CC3 is using the GTX 1070, do also try updating your graphics drivers if the problem continues.
By mvanduyne88 - 5 Years Ago
I purchased Character Creator 3 a while ago and it did not upgrade it to version 3.22 until 2 days ago. Everything worked fine before upgrading it but now I have the problem where it displays the splash screen for a few seconds and then it goes away and does not load. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling but I have the same problem. I got a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080Ti graphics card with the latest game driver 445.87. I have tried rolling the driver back but the earliest I can download on the Nvidia website it 441.12 and that did nothing to solve the problem. I even tried going to the device manager and rolling the driver back through the properties and that did not work either. I have IClone version 7.22 and it works fine. I have a desktop that I built running Windows 10 64 bit, Intel i5-8600K 3.60GHz, NVidia GeForce GTX 1080Ti. I have not had any issues with any Reallusion product in the past. Please help?
By achimxx - 5 Years Ago

I encountered the exactly same problem a while ago (Ticket ID: 172788). I have the same graphics card (Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080Ti). After weeks with no success, the support asked me to wait for the next update of CC3.

I had the iRay Plugin installed, and when I uninstalled it, CC3 was running! I was recommended to lead my projects or avatars over to iClone for using the iRay Plugin.

I hope I could help you in any way.

By mvanduyne88 - 5 Years Ago
Thank you for your advice I do appreciate it. I don't believe that I have the iray plugin installed, I could not find it when I looked at the Add or Remove Programs.
By achimxx - 5 Years Ago
If you have iRay installed, you should see it in the menu under "Plugins" - "Iray Render". But it should be listed in your apps (uninstall) list in the settings, which is not the case. So I fear we have to wait for the next update that hopefully will solve the problem.
By trafalgamer - 5 Years Ago
I'm having an issue with CC3 to unreal engine 4, the issue is with the HQ shader, standard and LW are working fine.
This issue is only in 4.24 other versions don't have this issue.

I imported the standard CC3 male with no modifications, I followed the recommended export and import settings.

Check this quick video:

Any suggestions ? thank you.
By doubblesixx - 5 Years Ago
Is it normal for CC3 to take around 2 - 3 minutes to startup each reboot of the computer? I think i have a decent spec'd computer for this to move along a little bit faster.. and in case this is normal i wonder why it has to re-cache everything after doing it once.. Some of my bigger Unreal projects boot's faster after shaders have been calculated and cached ( and saved )

I don't know if this is by design:
2. CC3 Pose mode: Using the mouse to select bones instead of the picker, the gizmo doesn't follow.
This only works with the picker or by hotkeys.. which is a lttle annoying

Edit: Typo
By TonyDPrime - 5 Years Ago many crashes in 3.22, really for no reason seemingly, other than it can't handle what I am throwing at it.
I've been bringing in outfits and hair from Daz and CC3, and if you apply a pose or modify the camera view when the character is fully decked out it really hits CC3 hard to where it crashes constantly.
Happens with both idle load reduction on and off.  Project size is 500,000+

I reboot it and it restores it no problem, and saves it like as if it hadn't crashed and applied whatever change I was mid-doing.
But the constant crashing makes it suck.
By sonic7 - 5 Years Ago

So, you create a quick Avatar in CC3 with a few morph changes ...
Then you go File > Export > "Send Character to iClone"
iClone opens, and brings up the following message:

But the Avatar STILL LOADS - and true to the warning message - there's NO 'Smart Gallery'
Starting up iClone directly works fine, - it opens with the Smart Gallery .....
By GG2020 - 5 Years Ago
Hello, I am having an issue with the final packaged textures and UV layout that causes my model to have a black pixel outline of each UV island in the final texture.

I'm using Character Creator 3.22, Blender 2.82, and Windows 10 Home Edition 64-bit

My project used Headshot and base content modified through the appearance editor and morphing. Once I was happy with the overall appearance I converted the model to the Game Base Model and manually reduced hair and clothing. When I use the pipeline extension to export to Blender the textures on the model have a black pixel outline of each island on the UV in the final model. I can see that the UV island go clear to the edge of the textures packed into the exported diffuse file where there are indeed anti-aliased pixels fading into the background. In other models, the textures compensate for this by having more of a border so the individual faces are completely filled with visual information.

1. Open project
2. Export using Pipeline Extension
3. Problem persists using "Embed Textures" option, max 1024, convert to TGA format AND using the Merge Material export All max 1024.
4. Import to blank project in Blender 2.82, turn on shading.

Feedback Tracker Link:
By Ascensi - 5 Years Ago
@Reallusion  I am hoping to get into the CC3 beta, specifically for testing the new Base+ character before it's released to fix a displacement topology nightmare of the current CC3 characters. For the most part there is no problem, except a few areas that need to be resolved.. then the sky is the limit for Characters with Displacement.
Example of "some" problem areas, the FBX exporter for one type like Maya will make topology displacement holes  bigger or smaller. This back example may have been from CC1 which had a lot more errors, you can see with the second example the back error no longer exists:  
but areas between the fingers tear usually in all the FBX export presets just like the buttcrack here:

The new CC3 Base+ looks a lot cleaner and may eliminate these problems. it might be the FBX exporters that are the true problem.  I would like to try the beta of the base model before it's released and inform whether or not the problem persists. Here is proof that Displacement can be painted over UV seams in the animated png below- the topology has to be correct for it to work and or what ever the FBX exporter does to the model may need to be corrected -it might just an issue with the exported mesh normals? maybe make a completely new compatible FBX preset for Displacement painting? or perhaps it is only the topology that needs to be corrected?
By Ascensi - 5 Years Ago
I hope you already have your virtual memory settings set to 32 GB for each your drive your projects are on as well as the drive CC3/iClone is installed. I rarely get crashes since.
By inash - 5 Years Ago
CC3 Character will not Open in Maya 2020.2.  I export as FBX with the Maya Preset and it crashes Maya on import. 
By Ascensi - 5 Years Ago
Works fine for Maya 2014, just tested it. Maybe something to do with Maya?
By hayward - 5 Years Ago
I am having problems with Character Creator saving my projects. I save them and I come back the next day and it comes up with old versions of my file after I saved it many times. Is there something I am not doing?
By Zeronimo - 5 Years Ago
hayward (7/15/2020)
I am having problems with Character Creator saving my projects. I save them and I come back the next day and it comes up with old versions of my file after I saved it many times. Is there something I am not doing?

are you sure you saved your new file in the same directory as the old file?
You must have made the backups in a different directory
By m.altajer93 - 5 Years Ago
I have an issue with cc1 base and cc3 also when i try to use the appearance editor. I cant select the option, so i cant change eyebrows color as an example. please how can I solve this issue.   
By animagic - 5 Years Ago
@m.altajer: Are you saying that you can't access the Appearance Editor with a CC1 character? That should work.

The editor is not compatible with CC3 characters. However, a much improved editor is expected this month or so. 
By inash - 5 Years Ago
I read somewhere on this forum that it was a glitch CC3 had with the newer versions for Maya, that was supposed to have been fixed with the most recent version.  Guess it wasn't fixed though. 
By m.altajer93 - 5 Years Ago
Yes exactly that's what I meant ,  Hopefully it will be fix this month, I have tried the cc1 base also but the same issue. Thank you @animagic
By m.altajer93 - 5 Years Ago
Yes exactly that's what I meant ,  Hopefully it will be fix this month, I have tried the cc1 base also but the same issue. Thank you @animagic
By hayward - 5 Years Ago
I just pressed saved. As well as save as. Is there a certain folder I am supposed to save it in?