I want to buy a character creator pipeline edition but I don't know if the Character creator 3 is compatible for iclone 6

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By AGuyIKnow - 7 Years Ago
Hi guys,

I currently have iCLone 6 and wanting to get a character creator pipeline version where I can import clothes and everything to my character. Any idea what character creator version should I purchase? I've been searching character creator 1 and 2 but can't find it on the reallusion website. Need help

By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago

The current release of Character Creator is version 3.
You can see all the details, the system requirements, and if you want - download a 30 day trial here:

Hope it helps ..... :)

I should have mentioned that this is the "pipeline" version, which would give you the most features and least limitations .....

Here's a bit of a summary:
  1. There are two CC editions, CC3 Pipeline Edition and CC3 for iClone
  2. CC3 Pipeline Edition and CC3 for iClone supports all CC2 functions 
    *Please be noted that CC2 character can be exported as IC6-compatible or IC7-compatible iAvatar, while CC3 character is compatible with IC7 only
  3. CC3 Pipeline Edition allows to export FBX and OBJ file, while the export ability of CC3 for iClone depends on which edition of 3DXchange 7 you own
  4. Some functions such as Auto-skin weighting, GoZ and LOD are supported in CC3 Pipeline Edition only, which implies that CC3 for IC plus 3DXchange Pipeline is not equal to CC3 Pipeline Edition
  5. All iClone 7 users can get a free copy of CC3 for iClone, no matter you've already bought it, or are going to buy it
By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago
The latest version is Character Creator 3 as Sonic mentioned but this is not compatible with iClone 6. You will need iClone 7.3 to be able to use CC3.