By AGuyIKnow - 7 Years Ago
Hi guys,
I currently have iCLone 6 and wanting to get a character creator pipeline version where I can import clothes and everything to my character. Any idea what character creator version should I purchase? I've been searching character creator 1 and 2 but can't find it on the reallusion website. Need help
By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago
The current release of Character Creator is version 3. You can see all the details, the system requirements, and if you want - download a 30 day trial here:
Hope it helps ..... :)
I should have mentioned that this is the "pipeline" version, which would give you the most features and least limitations .....
Here's a bit of a summary:- There are two CC editions, CC3 Pipeline Edition and CC3 for iClone
- CC3 Pipeline Edition and CC3 for iClone supports all CC2 functions
*Please be noted that CC2 character can be exported as IC6-compatible or IC7-compatible iAvatar, while CC3 character is compatible with IC7 only - CC3 Pipeline Edition allows to export FBX and OBJ file, while the export ability of CC3 for iClone depends on which edition of 3DXchange 7 you own
- Some functions such as Auto-skin weighting, GoZ and LOD are supported in CC3 Pipeline Edition only, which implies that CC3 for IC plus 3DXchange Pipeline is not equal to CC3 Pipeline Edition
- All iClone 7 users can get a free copy of CC3 for iClone, no matter you've already bought it, or are going to buy it
By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago
The latest version is Character Creator 3 as Sonic mentioned but this is not compatible with iClone 6. You will need iClone 7.3 to be able to use CC3.