Missing trees?

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By rgreenidge - 7 Years Ago
I noticed with my missing trees, Palm, Banana and Sago plant. In the scene box, with the faulty trees, they are missing a category and it's not shadows, it's the frame etc. I tried everything that usually bought my trees back, I had a extra tree folder in another drive that I copied from thinking iClone 6, was changing the file. Nothing seemed to work now. The trees show fine in iClone 6. What I did next I looked at the project settings using the Edit pulldown tab, I looked at the project settings and I noticed the box for displaying the dummy was not checked, I checked (enabled) this, closed and re-opened iClone 7, placed the banana tree in the blank scene and finally it appeared, then I tried the 2 other trees I needed and they appeared. I finally loaded the project that I had the missing trees, and all the trees are visible again. Is iClone 6 thinking these trees are dummies? I hope so, so far everything else I tried failed after a while and I hope they show up when I render video. Keeping my fingers crossed.
By Snarp Farkle - 7 Years Ago
Try looking at this thread, you might find the answer. TREES
By rgreenidge - 7 Years Ago
Thanks Snarp, but I already responded to that thread. The display dummy button does not work, I've tried moving the files around and that works maybe the first time or day. My son looked at my animation critically tonight and I said let me change this scene. I changed it and 1/4 through the rendering to a mp4 file, I realized those trees were missing again. After messing around I think I found a fool proof step. I closed iC7, because the trees would not show even in a blank project, just the outline box. I then opened iC6 and loaded the Banana tree plant, to a blank project and the banana tree appeared, I then closed iC6 and re-opened iC7 to a blank project and loaded the banana tree, the banana tree then appeared. I then clicked in the content box, to load the project all the trees were in and it asked to close and save the solo banana tree, I closed without saving and now all my trees appeared, I'm rendering the video right now with all the trees showing. I think moving the files around and reloading iClone is just a one time fix. Reallusion will have to work on this bug.
By Snarp Farkle - 7 Years Ago
Good god what a mess, glad you found a way to continue with your project rgreenidge, I'll keep this in mind for the next time I fool with the trees!
By rgreenidge - 7 Years Ago
Snarp you can see my trees on here.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoAaesBpuQs&feature=youtu.be
By JimmyB7 - 7 Years Ago
I’ve been having the same problem with disappearing Speedtrees for several weeks now.  I’ve found that it could be the video card.  I have a NVIDIA EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphics card with driver version 390.77.  After changing the NVIDIA control panel setting “Adjust Video Image Settings”, “2. Apply these settings to my video content”, “Use the NVIDIA setting” to 100% for Edge enhancement and Noise reduction, the trees are magically showing up all the time now.  I have no idea if this helped or if something else “fixed” this annoying problem.  I agree it appears to be a bug in 7.2.
By Zeronimo - 7 Years Ago
the same problem happens to me randomly. In my case the problem is solved by closing iclone 7, after re-opening and recharging the same project the trees are present again.
I have the impression that this problem is due to an uninitialized variable in iclone.
By Bible Story Graphics - 7 Years Ago
Thank you, JimmyB7! That worked for me.