By flint1galeev - 8 Years Ago
hi there, please help, how to export morph control from daz studio to iclone 7, here example
By paulg625 - 8 Years Ago
I am having trouble with this to. I have succeeded in a few things but is hit and miss. But make sure you go into the feedback tracker and vote for this feature. Add morphs from Exchange to Iclone Morph editor
I know if you bring a character in with out converting to non standard and send to Iclone then open it in the Morph editor it will auto import all Morphs. Problem is it won't let you go back and convert to non standard.
Basically it's a process after getting your character into Iclone. Your character is in an A-pose in time line. Look at motion and delete the short motion clip at beginning. This will put character in T-pose Note: if you adjusted position of T-pose in Exchange during convert process. You need to import an animation of the characters original T-pose to match the positions. (if you don't the character will move as it morphs) Export an OBJ of the morph you want. Need to make sure you have the same exact T-pose. Then in the Morph editor add the file.
Biggest problem I've been having is the pose issues. Make sure if you adjust your character during the convert to non standard process you keep your characters animation file. This contains the original T-pose you imported. Then you can export an OBJ file of the Morph from daz one at a time and add manually to the Morph editor.
By 4u2ges - 7 Years Ago
Not sure if you guys figured that already (the advanced search is STILL not working properly at the forum - so it is hard to do the research). Until recently I just never used DAZ characters in iClone. But it is relatively easy to bring any DAZ character morphs into the iClone (all at once of course):
1. Bring 2 versions of the SAME character to iClone - a) Rigged Character, b) Character as a prop 2. Send the Prop Character to Morph Creator and then just select rigged character in iClone prior to switching to Morph Creator window. 3. In Morph Creator Click "Update Morph to iClone" 4. To have the morphs available on the timeline, save your character and then load it back to iClone
That is it. You probably do not need all of the morphs, so filter them in DAZ prior to fbx export.
By toystorylab - 7 Years Ago
4u2ges (7/9/2018) 1. Bring 2 versions of the SAME character to iClone - a) Rigged Character, b) Character as a prop Hm, how do i export a character from Daz as a prop? Or do i simply use the same fbx? Once without going through 3DXchange for Morph Creator and once using 3DXchange to convert to non-standard? Not in the studio now, would try it before asking ;)
By vidi - 7 Years Ago
in this case prop means unrigged Mesh > aka obj
By 4u2ges - 7 Years Ago
It has to be the same FBX (no obj - it would not contain any morphs).
When you get prompted with detected genesis profile in 3DX, click "NO". Send it to iClone (Prop - though it sill has bones - but not rigged) Open the SAME FBX and click "YES" at the prompt to convert to non-standard. Send it to iClone (Rigged Character) Follow the rest...
By toystorylab - 7 Years Ago
Thanx a lot, will try this later when i'm in the studio and will report if i succeed :pinch:
By dogged2003 - 7 Years Ago
Can this option work? :
By 4u2ges - 7 Years Ago
No it will not. That is the thing: As soon as you convert a character to Non-Standard in 3DX (and although it still has all morphs carried from DAZ) it will not show them in Morph Creator. That is why I brought in a "helper" - same character as a prop/object. I figured it has the same vertex count/order. Why should not I be able to transfer morphs from it to a rigged character from Morph Creator. And it worked... The routine is simple and did not think I need a video for that. But I can make one.
By 4u2ges - 7 Years Ago
Updated DAZ morphs transfer routine... (and compare to failed routine in iClone 8 as well)
By gcshep - 7 Years Ago
Excellent tutorial Is there by any chance getting a copy of those .csv commends please Best regards George
By dogged2003 - 7 Years Ago
4u2ges (7/11/2018) I am probably a terrible tutor. Wanted to make a brief tutorial.. ended up talking whooping 11 minutes :)
This is a great trick!
I do not have now DAZ, that would repeat. The main problem (another approach I have) is the fingers. It is necessary to combine them as best as possible. If possible, you can apply the movement to the avatar: c: \ Program Files (x86) \ Reallusion \ iClone 3DXchange 7 \ 3DX template \ MotionPreview \ 08_Finger Calibration.iMotion. Thank you so much!
By 4u2ges - 7 Years Ago
@gcshep Thanks George, I attached a zip with 4 export rules:
GEN_CHAR_EXPORT.csv - for exporting a Genesis 3/8 character (RL recommended) morphs_rules_bake.csv - export no morphs morphs_rules_export.csv - export all morphs morphs_Elf_Bodybuilder_Export.csv - export only elf ears and bodybuilder morphs (from tutorial). This would work for Genesis 3/8
It is easy to customize the last one to build the list of desired morphs to export. First argument before the coma is a case sensitive keyword that would be matched against morph rules names.
@dogged2003 Thanks. I am not sure I understood, sorry. But if you worry about Genesis fingers, they are perfectly calibrated with 3DX automated conversion routine.
By gcshep - 7 Years Ago
Thank you very much sir Best Regards George
By toystorylab - 7 Years Ago
THANX to "4u2ges" for Tutorial/Export Rules :D
By 4u2ges - 7 Years Ago
toystorylab (7/12/2018)
THANX to "4u2ges" for Tutorial/Export Rules :D

By Hookflash - 6 Years Ago
Man, this thread is a goldmine and should be stickied until Reallusion allows us to import character morphs properly. One issue I'm having though: Some Daz morphs have a range from -100 to 100 (instead of 0 to 100), and Morph Creator only seems to allow a range of 0 to 100. Any idea how to fix this?
By 4u2ges - 6 Years Ago
Yeah, negative values are getting disregarded as well as values over 100%. What you can do, is create a custom slider in DAZ and save it as DUF. Custom slider should be set to have values of 0-100%, then you may pose/apply respective *negative* morphs to the figure and it would be saved as 0-100% for a new custom slider and be available for export. You may even combine multiple morphs/shapes into single one - possibilities are unlimited. Just have to careful with non-linear pose controls (some bones transformations), as morphs are strictly linear and transformations might come out quite unnatural.
I do not have much time to give a complete step-by-step for creating new sliders/DUFs, but here's a link where you may follow the routine (not the best one, but enough to play with and figure out):
By Hookflash - 6 Years Ago
4u2ges (5/26/2019)
@Hookflash Yeah, negative values are getting disregarded as well as values over 100%. What you can do, is create a custom slider in DAZ and save it as DUF. Custom slider should be set to have values of 0-100%, then you may pose/apply respective *negative* morphs to the figure and it would be saved as 0-100% for a new custom slider and be available for export. You may even combine multiple morphs/shapes into single one - possibilities are unlimited. Just have to careful with non-linear pose controls (some bones transformations), as morphs are strictly linear and transformations might come out quite unnatural. I do not have much time to give a complete step-by-step for creating new sliders/DUFs, but here's a link where you may follow the routine (not the best one, but enough to play with and figure out):
Thanks, that looks like it'll do the trick!
By Rampa - 6 Years Ago
When you create a morph in CC, you can actually specify whatever range for minimum and maximum you wish.
If you set the minimum to -100 and the maximum to +100, you get a slider with the default position in the middle (zero).
You can also overdrive any morph, positive or negative, by typing the number you wish into the morph box instead of using the slider.
By Hookflash - 6 Years Ago
Rampa (5/26/2019) When you create a morph in CC, you can actually specify whatever range for minimum and maximum you wish.
If you set the minimum to -100 and the maximum to +100, you get a slider with the default position in the middle (zero).
You can also overdrive any morph, positive or negative, by typing the number you wish into the morph box instead of using the slider.
Thanks Rampa, but this is for exporting figures with morphs from Daz to iClone via 3dxchange (rather than CC, since the figures have merged geografts)