I’m on iCloneI’m trying to edit a texture, but thetexture is linked, and I can’t unlink it. If I right-click on “Base Color” andclick “Unlink selected material” or “unlink selected texture” or any of theother options, it doesn't let me unlink. I’ve attached a screenshot with the error message . 7 still, latest version, but I can't see a way to post on that particular forum.
Usually, to edit a texture I doone of these three things, depending on the situation:
1 - I click on the “Launch editor” buttonand it opens it in Affinity. That button is greyed out.
2 - I right-click on the texture “BaseColor” and copy.In this case, “copy” isn’t greyed out, but it doesn’t copy anything to theclipboard
3- I double click on the “Base Color” and itgoes directly into the folder where the texture is. In this case, it doesn’t,it goes to the last folder I used, which happens sometimes.
Is there a way to go directly to thattexture folder?
Because the texture is linked, I can’t doany of these. Is there a wayto unlink that material or texture?
54% of original size (was 929x423) - Click to enlarge