Waterlane Studios
Waterlane Studios
Posted Last Year
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Dare I ask if there's any new about what juicy updates will be coming this year??? (I'd love to see a road map)
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted Last Year
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Unfortunately I don't believe one is planned at present. We have provided road maps in the past but the problem is no matter how much you say something is "scheduled" or "planned" there are always complaints when features are not released within the time frame given. However, I will pass on your request for consideration.
Peter Forum Administrator www.reallusion.com
Waterlane Studios
Waterlane Studios
Posted Last Year
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Thanks for the reply Peter and I can appreciate your point of. It's a shame how a few can spoil thing for others. (Sadly I've see posts you've had in the past, which caused issues) On the other side there are so many cool new graphic/animation tech's coming along, 'hopefully the future is bright.
'not sure when the compute will be available to make it practical, but I can picture so many new cool AI developments. AI will surely compete at some stage, but I also see it working with CC&iClone... and given Reallusions foundation, imo you are well placed to lead 'controllable character AI'... lol - I started to write a list of possibilities, but managed to stop myself. ;-)
Posted Last Year
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Well, I'm not sure I really need a road map for a while. I'm busy trying to learn the new features, plugins and motions that Reallusion laid on us the last couple of years. It has been an avalanche. I'm overwhelmed. It's not as if Reallusion is sitting on their asses and counting their money. They produce!
My latest movie THE GOLDEN MAN, and a few others: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIl1EqVCKitZzLqaNnLK0BA