You mention that the tutorial starts with an existing character but that's the point. You can basically turn any front facing head into a
360 head.
So really the first thing you need to learn is to create a standard talking head in CTA5. You can forget the
360 aspect to start with just get a head created with all the required parts, eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows etc. Then once you have a standard talking head in CTA5 you can convert this to a
360 head as shown in the "angry bird" tutorial.
To help you get your first animated head into CTA5, please refer to the tutorials page below and in particular the "Create Your Own Animated Facial Features" series. These will show you all the parts that are required to make a complete fully animated talking head in CTA5.
https://courses.reallusion.com/home/cartoon-animator/pipelines-and-render/photoshopPlease Note: SVG specific tutorials for character and
360 head creation are coming soon. For now the tutorials mentioned above will help you understand the process of creating your own heads and turning them into full
360 heads.
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