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Importing FBX Reads as Y UP RH in 1.23(UE5.0) Auto Setup Despite Following Guide

Posted By Kuddleminski 3 Years Ago
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Importing FBX Reads as Y UP RH in 1.23(UE5.0) Auto Setup Despite...

Posted 3 Years Ago
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Hi there,

For majority of things, the autosetup plugin is running smoothly for me! Love it. Saves me a lot of hecking time. BUUUUUUUUUUUUT.

I have ran into one massive annoyance that is giving me quite a head scratcher. Exporting a CC3+ model in 3.44 using the Unreal preset and following that guide for the auto setup, it seems to be read by the Import Plugin on Unreal side as Y up Right handed, instead of the Zed up right handed, even using Unreal 4 Bone Axis tick mark doesn't seem to have the axis matching Unreal's UE4mannequin.

I have the most current auto setup and made sure it was the UE5 folder. Normally one might say, Nat, IK rig retarget things, you'll be fine! Sadly though, I am looking at real time tracking methods that are not canned animations. So I'm running into a headache of having to try to troubleshoot what the incoming data's axis form is, and using a few math nodes to translate correctly to the control rig/skeleton. (Unrelated, I wish the Control Rig in UE5 would obey the limits set in local space and not just world space. ;-; Don't even know if that is a bug or just my limited experience with Unreal coming through)

Am I being a big derp and missing one crucial step to get bone axis to match Unreal's default bone axis so that incoming transform data doesn't look like an absolute web of lines after I'm done converting them? Thank you so much to anyone who takes their time to put their brain meat and eyeballs on my troubles. <3

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