If you want to do retargeting of ActorCore motions to your own character in 3dsMax and Blender, you'll need the corresponding mapping file in the process. This issue occurs because the names of the bones have been modified. Please use the legacy mapping file for retargeting if you downloaded ActorCore motions before 2021/08/26. Otherwise, please use the latest mapping file for retargeting.
These two tutorials below show you how to retarget your own character in 3dsMaxor Blender. Please make sure you are using the correct mapping file.
ActorCore Tutorial for 3ds Max - Retargeting Motions for CAT Characters
ActorCore Tutorial for Blender - Retargeting Motion for AutoRig Pro
We strongly recommend you re-download the motions you have and use the latest mapping file for retargeting.
How to re-download motions:
1. Choose the motion you want to download in the Inventory.
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2. Choose the "white robot" actor for the best retargeting to your own character.
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3. Select the preset of Target Application. In this case, it is 3dsMax or Blender.
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4. You can find the retargeting file in Supported Software on ActorCore.
The RELEASE NOTE tab provides the latest mapping file and the legacy one.
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