Posted 4 Years Ago
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Hello, I am currently experiencing a big problem when it comes to simple Morph Creation. I created 4 simple iris+pupils morphs in CC3, exported them as iAvatars, went back to Iclone, did all the steps according to the tutorial posted in the Reallusion youtube channel, baked the morphs, and the moment I clicked on "Update Morph to Iclone I get the following message: 74% of original size (was 676x19) - Click to enlarge My first action was to restart my computer, stop any additional programs and try again, this time without even bothering to add the morphs. I just wanted to go into Morph Creator from Iclone7 and back to Iclone7 without changing anything. But the same issue appeared: 74% of original size (was 676x19) - Click to enlarge If anyone has a solution for this problem I would be very grateful :) Thank you for creating Iclone7! I absolutely love it! 74% of original size (was 676x19) - Click to enlarge
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Hi... Have you updated iClone to the latest build which is 7.91.5223.1? This latest build fixes issues with the Morph Creator so it is very important you update if you haven't already. You can check if you have this build by going to Help > About iClone 7 when you have iClone open. If you haven't updated, please do so using the Reallusion Hub.
Peter Forum Administrator
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Hi Peter, Thank you for the fast reply! Yes, I am already using the latest version of Iclone7, so that's not it :( I actually tried the Morphing Creator tool on different avatars/characters included in Iclone7 and there seems to be no problem there. It appears the issue is with my own character only. So I tried going back to previous versions (I checked older files, I "save as new project" once a day). And I think I have an idea what caused it: The oldest versions work fine, but when I reached the version where I added physics and constraint to the Ponytail, that's where the ERROR message starts popping out in Morph Creation. Here is a screenshot : 1. I have a DUMMY sphere that acts as a parent. It's attached to Base_Head. The Physics properties are: Rigid Body>>Kinematic 2. I have the Ponytail as the target. Attached to Base_Head as well. Physics - Rigid BOdy>>Dynamic 3. I am using a Point to Point Constraint to simulate movement of the ponytail when the character is moving. 74% of original size (was 676x19) - Click to enlarge The Hair physics is the only difference I have when the Morph Creator stops working. All older versions without the Active physics work just fine. Do you think this might be what's causing the issue? Any suggestions? Worst case scenario, I can try going back to an older version, adding the morphs first, and leave the Physics and constraint for the ponytail for last? Many thanks, Gery PS: This is my first week using Iclone7. I don't have any previous characters where the Morph creation has failer or succeeded.
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Thanks for explaining more about the problem. As this appears a character specific problem your suggested workaround is probably the best way to go for now. However, so we can check if this is a defect with the Morph Creator or just an issue with this character, please can you report it in the Feedback Tracker and let us have your project for testing. You can use the link below to report the issue and the iClone team will investigate the problem and update you there. Thanks.
Peter Forum Administrator
Trender 3D
Trender 3D
Posted 4 Years Ago
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I’m not sure if this has been resolved yet or if it’s the same thing but I get the exact error message (and the iClone crashes) when my hair and cloth physics are baked and I try to save the file. It can’t save because the file becomes to big. This happened to me a number I f times and unfortunately you don’t get to restore the project when you log back in.
I’ve had to cut my scenes into smaller shots, then bake my soft cloth physics and save the project to get it to work.
So, my best guess is that it’s related to the hair physics - based on my experience at least.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Thank you Peter! I reported the issue to the Feedback Tracker. Unfortunately, the strategy I wanted to use did not work: Using an older version of my character I created the morphs without any problem. However, when it was time to add constraints to the hair, Iclone7 didn't like it - aka. the constraints don't want to appear. I drag them on my model, but it is as if nothing happened. (No constraints get activated). My File is more than 200 mb, is there an e-mail where I can send it to you and or Reallusion's team? @Wholesome 3D - Hi Alistair, For me, Iclone 7 doesn't crash. It's only the Morph Creator that does. Iclone 7 remains open. :/ But if it's something to do with Hair Constraints/Physics too, then it's not just my character then. EDIT:Ok, I think I fixed it (so far) :) It's probably me being stupid for not knowing how constraints work. I'll summarize below for anyone who is experiencing similar problem in the future: 1. Create the Morphs you desire BEFORE you add any constraints/physics 2. When you want to add point to point constraint, make sure that the PARENT (in my case, sphere) is NOT YET attached to the avatar. First add the constraint, then attach the shape to the avatar.
3. Once you have selected the target for the constraint (in my case ponytail) and added all properties needed, then you can attache the Parent (aka. sphere) to character. Conclusion: Now I have Morphing eyes and Hair physics/ constraints! It's a way to deal with the Error message ;) 74% of original size (was 676x19) - Click to enlarge
Trender 3D
Trender 3D
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Glad you got it sorted Gery and thanks for sharing the solution.
By the way I really love your character. Would be great to see her in action 😀 . Please post some animation clips (including your morphs and hair physics) - would love to see it.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Thank you Allistair :kiss: I hope it helps! Haha, ok! I am still learning, so please don't epxect anything phenomenal XD Anyways, here is a short clip (mainly using face keys and a premade mocap for the body) that proves that hair physics+constraints and eyes' morphs really DID work together in the end XD Yey! Regarding the hair, I barely move her head so the ponytail isn't that impressive, but to be honest, all I wanted was some simple rotation on the X axis.
Trender 3D
Trender 3D
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Wow Gery! I really like it.
The eye morph is brilliant and the animation is actually very smooth. It doesn’t look like you used face keys to animate the head.but an iPhone and LiveFace because it looks really natural. Did you use the face puppet or actual face keys?
Well done! Your character really looks ‘alive’. I hope you have a story to tell using her 😀
I’m currently working on my own animation series, where my main character is also a toon style girl character but she doesn’t have as much ‘life’ as yours and I think it’s because of the morphs.
I’lll see if I can post a clip from the movie later when I get a chance so you can see what I mean and maybe give me some advice?
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Hi Allistair! Thak you for the kind words! :pinch: I WOULD LOVE to see your work!
Since this part of the forum is Technical Issue related, let's move to the "Showcase Yourself" section :w00t: I'll create a Topic there as well ^.^ The Error hasn't been completely fixed, but at least we have a way around it for now.
And just to answer your question: - I used FACE KEYS for the morphs of the eyes and face expressions. (I liked the control it gave me, but I think using face puppet might be a lot faster and better once I get the hang of it) - FACE PUPPET for the head rotation only (I love it, but I think it looked a bit shaky in some parts. I will have to train and figure out a way to improve the overall look :) ) - A Heidi's speech Motion from the Iclone Library for the body (hence the wild hands XD )
I will look forward to seeing your work! And yes, thrust me - if there is one single thing that makes a character look alive it's the eyes! Morphing the eyes does wonders! I've been doing 3D only for a few months, I used to work as a 2D aimator long time ago, now I work as an illustrator. Changing the pupils and irirs's size for an emotion is almost instinctive :3