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Miss RLShader Data & Autosetup UE4.26

Posted By GamesUKStudios 3 Years Ago
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when i ever use the Character creator to UE4 autosetup for 4.26 this keeps on happing and it does not create the textures although it it checked when i import to the ue4 project this also never adds the textures to the material always blank 
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Did you find a solution for this issue?
Posted 2 Years Ago
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This same issue, "MIss RLShader Data, is happening to me as well.  I dont understand it, and it's really annoying me.  I can't get any of my character textures to show up correctly as it's not bringing the textures in via CC3 AutoSetup.  Did you find a solution?
Posted 2 Years Ago
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This same issue, "MIss RLShader Data, is happening to me as well.  I dont understand it, and it's really annoying me.  I can't get any of my character textures to show up correctly as it's not bringing the textures in via CC3 AutoSetup.  Did you find a solution?
Posted 2 Years Ago
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be sure the "CC_Shader" Folder is in your UE4 Project / Content Folder and not somewhere else !
Posted 2 Years Ago
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I figured out the issue with textures not importing.  When you follow the tutorial on the matter to the tee, you drop the content folder from auto setup into your project.  The problem is that the plugin doesn't see it, unless you remove it from the folder labelled "content", and only import or drop in the folder labelled "CC Shaders".  With that clarified, the shaders seem to be working fine. And specifically what I mean is when you drop the contents of the "content" folder from the autosetup download, into the CONTENT folder of the project.  You just need to make sure it's only the CC Shader folder that is dropped into the CONTENT folder of the project.  Sheesh.
2 Years Ago by lancelotcq2
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Thanks for the reply!  As I mentioned below, and as I noticed in the comments section of the tutorial, some people are literally dropping the "Content" folder containing the CC Shaders into the project.  If the surface level folder in your UE content folder is labelled Content and not CC Shaders in the project, Unreal won't read it.

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