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Material editing

Posted By woody173 4 Years Ago
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Posted 4 Years Ago
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Last Active: Last Year
Posts: 177, Visits: 571
Hi guys I have started my new animation and wanted to do a few more advanced animations to props etc to make it look a little more interesting.
Now I thought about having a newspaper blowing in the wind flying through the air and landing on someones face. Neat idea uh?
I was thinking of using a cloth from the props menu and adding a neat texture of a front page of a  newspaper. Ok it worked but i need to put a separate texture on the back of the cloth to make it look like random text. I have tried duplicating the cloth and adding the texture to that but when it animates the pages separate and it doesnt look good.
Any ideas how i can do this. and maybe you can help me with the collision with a character too.

Any help would be great

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Needs to be one object with at least 2 probably 3 textures that can be texture mapped. May need to build it in something like Blender.

Click here to go to my YouTube Channel filled with iClone Tutes and Silly Stuff


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