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What’s new in Cartoon Animator v4.3 & Intro to Cartoon Animator - AE Script (Beta)

Posted By Minnie (RL) 4 Years Ago
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What’s new in Cartoon Animator v4.3 & Intro to Cartoon Animator - AE...

Minnie (RL)
Minnie (RL)
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
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Dear CTA users, 
We are happy to introduce our latest version Cartoon Animator 4.3 to you. In this version(v4.3), we combine CTA's speedy character animating system with AE's vast library of special effects for your enhanced post-production workflow. Now let’s explore, and start creating!

A giant welcome to ALL user to join our sub forum and share your After Effects / VFX passion with us:

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Let us know your feedback on AE Script for CTA: 
Product Demo:

New Features:

New feature allows you to synchronize animated projects in a snap, now you can glorify your CTA animation in After Effects.

Enhance Your CTA project in AE


1. Smart Export to After Effects (Beta)
This feature lets users export image sequences and JSON files of the scene and character. With AE Script for Cartoon Animator, you can easily import your animation work processed in CTA to After Effects for further post production.

Export CTA Project to After Effects

It exports CTA objects as image sequences and stores them in their dedicated folders, and generates an additional JSON file that keeps the camera and object data which can later be used to reconstruct the identical timeline tracks in AE. 

2. AE Script for Cartoon Animator (Beta)
This is an AE script which needs to be installed under Adobe After Effects, that allows users to import animation work(JSON file) processed in CTA to AE effortlessly, including key frames and audio.  For more information, please click 

How to Install AE Script -Cartoon Animator (Beta)


3. Render Object Sequence (Beta)

Besides After Effects, for users who use other video editing tools, we provide another way for you to load CTA animation work to external video editing tools. "Render Object Sequence (Beta)" allows you to export layered/separated image sequences with transparent background for you to effortlessly choose whichever object of the sequence and import to your video editing tool for further post production.

More upcoming feature for enhanced post-production pipeline to be expected in 2021:

3 Years Ago by Miranda (RL)
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I upgraded to 4.3 but feeling very slow . Is there any way to rollback to old 4.2 . I am not using AE anyway.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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I can remember that feature was wished by CA users 
why not implicated physics finally in the own application,  instead working on features that not was wished and needs 3th party tools.

liebe Grüße vidi

Posted 4 Years Ago
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For the past two weeks, i have been working on the animation at work contest. The render object based sequence turned out to be a blessing (basically an alpha background). It was a lot better than the chroma material setup that i had in unreal.

But shouldnt reallusion concentrate on creating the possibility of use of special effects in cartoon animator instead of porting out animations ? 
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Procrastinator (10/5/2020)

But shouldnt reallusion concentrate on creating the possibility of use of special effects in cartoon animator instead of porting out animations ? 

Offering pipelines to 3rd party tools is not intended to replace the built in features of CTA. There are already plans in place to improve the special effects in Cartoon Animator itself, but with After Effects being a very popular tool we wanted to add this as an option as well. Smile 


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