Hello to you good sir. My name is Eldan, but I go by Haratio on the forum.
I am registered as a Content Developer. I am at the point where I am attempting to submit some Accessories and am having difficulties getting the store formatted and getting errors on the Content Upload tool. I have been reading through the manuals, and guides and am figuring out some things, and others are just plain eluding me at the moment.
By the Way I love your content. I am studying game development as a hobby and I look forward to adding your goddess outfits in on the mix.
Anyway I was wondering if you might have some time to help me out.
I can post questions on here, but would much prefer to touch base on Skype if possible. I am pretty decent at Modeling in Blender and have been having a blast in CC3. I am weak on the iClone side of things but I have been modeling some things like Swords, Axes, Shields and things of that sort.
The first thing that I am attempting to put on the marketplace is a staff that I modeled.
75% of original size (was 671x19) - Click to enlarge
Mainly to learn how to submit the content and to move on to setting up the marketplace backend and get the banners, and logo's and so on and so forth, so I can also start submitting other content.
Please let me know and any advise would be appreciated. Thank You much for your time and consideration. Haratio.