Peter (RL) (2/27/2020)
TonyDPrime (2/27/2020)
The users only complain about mirrors, Indigo, and Dynamic Appearance Editor.
If only that were true.
:Whistling: This is the thing that makes me doubt the complaint logic.
Let's assume response is given to complaints:
FUNCTION A: 1 compliant A = 1 action taken to address complaint A
So users complain about adult themed content, and so policy is set up to address those complaints.
FUNCTION A: 1 compliant against adult themed content = 1 action taken to address adult themed content
But then we have users, even in this thread alone, complaining in the other direction
So I will apply the same logic
FUNCTION A: 1 complaint against restrictive guidelines = 1 action take to address against restrictive guideline
But this did not happen I don't think complaints drive this, otherwise counter-complaints would be addressed equally. It more looks like an inside business decision to do this.
But I get it, Unreal marketplace is loaded with FPS content, and not much in the realm of adult.
I don't even really care myself, I care more about future developments and releases with CC3. But it does come off unbalanced and unfair, and almost quite dismissive of the developers here.
I guess to them I say don't blame RL, blame Fortnite.
Because you can best believe if Fortnite was an adult themed game played by adults the developers in this thread would be highlighted as Spotlight Developers.