Using Blender as the mesh editor, I took the CC_Base tongue and converted it into an .obj file.
Then I stretched and manipulated the mesh in different ways to mimic the tongue muscle, saving each result as an .obj (Tongue up, down etc.)
Then I took the base back via 3DXchange into iClone as a prop.
Using the morph creator I added the various manipulations to the tongue (Up, Down, Left, Right, Extend etc.) as individual sliders.
I attached the prop, once correctly located, to the Base_Head_Nub making it an accessory and then set the material for the original tongue to Opacity 0.
I am more pleased than I expected with the result, being as it only took about an hour to do the whole thing. I reckon next time I do it, it'll be much better as I was being cautious with the morphs.
Kind regards,Alex