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Questions about quadraped animal iAvitars and iMotions and Perform menus

Posted By AncientWire 7 Years Ago
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Questions about quadraped animal iAvitars and iMotions and Perform...

Posted 7 Years Ago
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Posts: 62, Visits: 925
I have had iClone and the other Reallusion products for about 18 months and I understand a bunch and am completely clueless about a lot. :)
There are multiple things about animals that I don't understand.  I do know that props are different from avatars, so I am just asking about avatars at the moment.
I know that many of the Reallusion animals are pretty old.  I think the horse is from iC4 and some of the dogs are from iC2 or 3.  Still, the motions are great!

* Some of my perform menus don't work.  I am thinking that with version changes they may have installed to a different place than expected.  How can I fix the perform menus? Can I add or remove motions from the perform menu without going back and forth in 3DX?

* Some motions work on some avatars and some motions work on others, and there appears to be no way to tell what will work unless I just try everything. 
"Cannot replace motion: Invalid file or avatar not compatible."
Some motions partially work.  I am guessing that it has to do with the bone structure of the avatar and the motion.  Can I tell the bone structure of the avatar in iClone?  How can you tell the bone structure of a motion?

* I imported the DAZ mechanical dog CyberD through 3DX.  I also got the pose pack for it, so in all, I have about 70 poses for that dog.  I put all of the poses in the DAZ timeline one per frame and sent it to 3DX.  All of the motions work great, but they came in as 1 kinda fluid motion, not 70 separate poses.  Do I have to save each one individually or did I miss a setting in DAZ?   With this dog, I also tried 3 dog motion sets from Reallusion and one from Truebones but none would work.

I would love it if I could do some form of conversion or something that would allow all of the quadruped motions to work will all of the quadrupeds. 
I would like to use the DAZ 2 horse, Mil horse or the Hivewire horse with the iClone horse motions.    My current import of the DAZ horse gives me the error when I use the iClone horse motion.

Thank you for your thoughts and advice!

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