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3DXchange 5.0 upgrade to 5.5 on Windows 10 -> HOW ???

Posted By Jerome V 9 Years Ago
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3DXchange 5.0 upgrade to 5.5 on Windows 10 -> HOW ???

Jerome V
Jerome V
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After switching to Windows 10 and after reinstalling and registering 3DXchange 5.0 Pipeline, the program tells me to upgrade to 5.5 and then blocks (/greys-out) lots of basic functions that used to be available in Windows 8.

To add insult to injury, it then turns out to be impossible to even download the 5.5 installer, because everytime I try I'm being redirected to the 6.2 installer, which requires a $500 license that I can't afford.

This is such an insult, especially after the horror I had to go through when I upgraded my MoCap plugin + hardware Kinect v2 sensor following a 'special offer' by Reallusion, only to find out that I will never be able to use it in my CTA2 Pipeline (contrary to what Reallusion had suggested right here in this forum!!!), which meant that I now had lost ANY form of MoCap within my iClone-CTA2 pipeline! To make things even worse, Reallusion's response to my complaints in this forum about the misleading MoCap offer was that I should have been more careful when I made the decision to upgrade, and that there was still a workaround which 'only' required me to buy and install 3DXchange 6 alongside 3DXchange 5. Now I have lost basic functionality of 3DXchange 5 as well, so this is the second expensive Reallusion product that I have 'lost' within a couple of months.

I have been a loyal customer for years, but this is just wrong business ethics. I can only feel sorry for those hugely talented Reallusion employees (programmers, designers, forum moderators) who built the software and who have tried to build a community of users with the best intensions. It must be painful to try to justify the aweful decisions and policies of the Reallusion sales department (I would even say 'shameful'). Reallusion is a great company with the worst sales department of any software company I have ever seen (I have worked for several top developers, and never witnessed this kind of treatment of loyal customers).

I am done with Reallusion now. I gave it another chance after the MoCap plugin debacle, but I won't do that again. Reallusion took my money, didn't deliver the promissed upgrade (i.e. the one allowing the use of custom iMotion MoCap files within the Reallusion iClone-CTA2 Pipeline), and now decided to disable essential functions of my version of 3DXchange for no reason, and without offering any solution which doesn't require spending another $500 to restore the pipeline functionality I have paid for.

I'm switching to other developers now, and I probably won't return to Reallusion, since I don't want to be disappointed ever again.

If you're a Reallusion employee, feel free to offer your help, but don't feel sorry for me. Just feel sorry for yourself, since you have to work for a company that insults it's loyal customers, and forces you to justify and defend the terrible decisions made by your sales department. Thanks ayway.

I'm out of here.

- Jerome
Posted 9 Years Ago
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I am not an RL employee, and don't feel sorry for you.

Log in to your user account at and look for "iClone 3DXchange 5.0" in the list of your registered products. Click on "Patch/Bonus", this will open a window displaying the last available version for download, in this case v5.52.3805. Download it and install.


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Jerome V
Jerome V
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wires (1/31/2016)
I am not an RL employee, and don't feel sorry for you.

Log in to your user account at and look for "iClone 3DXchange 5.0" in the list of your registered products. Click on "Patch/Bonus", this will open a window displaying the last available version for download, in this case v5.52.3805. Download it and install.

I already did that. The program icon on my desktop already says it is 5.52, but the program keeps asking for an update to 5.5 before it blocks important program options that I need. That's why I need an installer.

I appreciate your help (I do), but if it were that easy, I wouldn't post here on this forum. What really bothers me, is that both the upgrade link within 3DXchange 5 and the links on the official website to older versions of 3DXchange (i.e. older than v. 6.2) lead to the installer of 3DXchange 6.2 (trial version). Just check it yourself, if you don't believe me.

I'm willing to try one more time, but after my disastrous upgrade to the new iClone 6 MoCap feature, which lead to a complete and irreversible loss of my CTA2 Pipeline MoCap workflow (due to a hardware upgrade I should never have done), I have become very suspicious about Reallusion's online support, which appears to be aimed more at persuading people to upgrade to newer versions of their software, than at helping users keep their workflow as long as Reallusion officially supports the older version of the software.

I used to be a loyal and happy customer. This has changed dramatically, mostly due to the way the marketing-/sales department keeps treating loyal customers. I'm not going to elaborate on this, 'cause the Reallusion representatives who are active on this forum won't acknowledge the problem anyway. It's just sad to see such a nice company allow a bunch of marketing- & salesmen take over the company.

To me the current emphasis on overpriced Content Store products that can be purchased anywhere for much less and with much better quality, is a step backwards. Just compare Reallusion's Content Store with Unity's superior Asset Store, or DAZ3D's high quality content store, and you see a company that desperately wants to be a salesman instead of an innovative developer. I wouldn't care if Reallusion's content would be great and cheap, but most of the content I see is just overpriced junk or recycled content from other stores.

Anyway, if I can't get 3DXchange 5 working again, I will leave the iClone-CT-CTA community behind, and start spending my money elsewhere.

Thanks anyway!

- Jerome

Posted 9 Years Ago
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You can also look under the "help" menu in 3DX. Select "check for update".

I'm running 3DX 5.52 on Win 10.
Jerome V
Jerome V
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Thanks, but that doesn't work either, since it's just a hyperlink to Reallusion's homepage. It's like:

User: "Help, I'm stuck! I want my old software back."
Reallusion: "Let me help you by guiding you to our homepage where you can buy even better products. Now, let me take your wallet..."

Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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Jerome V (1/31/2016)

I appreciate your help (I do), but if it were that easy, I wouldn't post here on this forum. What really bothers me, is that both the upgrade link within 3DXchange 5 and the links on the official website to older versions of 3DXchange (i.e. older than v. 6.2) lead to the installer of 3DXchange 6.2 (trial version). Just check it yourself, if you don't believe me.

None of the features of 3DXchange 5 have been disabled or will be greyed out. If you have a full paid for version you will have the same options you always have had.

In addition the download links in your Member Account do not point to 3DXchange 6.2. The download links are correct and will download the latest version of 3DXchange 5 which is 5.52. It sounds as though you are clicking the wrong links.

I would advise uninstalling your current version and then download and install the latest full version of 3DXchange 5 from your Member Account. If you need assistance with this, please refer to the FAQ page below.


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Snarp Farkle
Snarp Farkle
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This may be a stupid question and may not relate at all, but did you check how many installs are listed in your "history" details for this version?  It's sort of like a problem I had when changing computers from Windows 7 to one with Windows 8.  Don't know if it has anything to do with it, just my two cents worth. :blink:

Dell XPS 8900, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3408 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s), 16 GB RAM, - 4 GB GeForce GTX 745, NVIDIA compatible.
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