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Posted By alanhaineslondon 12 Years Ago
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Posted 12 Years Ago
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NovaLady (10/5/2013)
Quick question: Can the same process be repeated many times by copying the last transition and pasting just before the next transition?

What I'm trying to do is something like a baseball game... Start at home plate, hit the ball, run to first base - stop, do a little dance for a while, make a pose. Next transition - move to 2nd base, stop, do a different dance, tease the catcher, make a teasing pose. Next transition - move to 3d base, stop, do some hip hop, heckle the pitcher, make a new pose. Next transition - move to home plate, slide in, do a big victory dance.
So transition 1 is copied to 149
change to new transition at 150 ending 250
Copy 150 paste 249
change to new transition at 251 etc over and over for each new transition.

Hi Suzanne, welcome to the forum.

Here is an example of one way to do want you want.
Place a character onto the stage.
Copy the transition key from 1 to 149 to hold character in place.
Add animation clip (say Disco 02) starting at 150. It is 42 frames long.
Using the Key Editor (K):
- Place an Absolute key (Body Transform track) at 193 . This copies the last body position.
- Place a Default Pose key (Body Transform track) at 210. This puts the character back into a default position. You can also place the character in any position here.

When you play it, you will see the character stand still from 1 to 149, then disco from 150 to 193 then transition from 193 to 210 to the default pose. If you had not placed the absolute key at 193 then some of the body parts would start to transition to the default pose set at 210 during the animation clip. The absolute key gives a transition point to start from equal to the last body position. See the difference when you delete the absolute key and play it. You will see the arm movements go funky.

If you want to continue the same type of scenario then at the next point, say frame 250, place an Absolute key (Body Transform track) at 249, then the animation clip starting at 250. Just after the end of the clip place another Absolute key and then some time later a Default Pose key.

Let me know if you have any further questions.


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