I was watching the History Channel and... :w00t: surprise surprise, they were actually airing a show about history! (What? No stupid reality programs disguising themselves as history? Did global warming put all of the Ice Road Truckers out of business?? Did they cut down all of the trees in the northwest so they have no more forests to destroy? Bummer, back to boring old history I guess.) ;)
Anyway, it was on the Dark Ages, not my favorite but considering their recent programming, I'll take it. So, while they meandered through the Black Plague and toured the dungeons of Europe, I used the 'inspiration' to diddle around with this nasty piece of machinery. Proving that the old adige is true..."An idle mind IS the devil's workshop".:ermm:

Will I ever use it? Don't know...I haven't tested it yet. :doze:
<<:w00t:>> "Chuck! Get in here, I have a new role I want you to audition for."
"Coming Mr. Blood!"
"And make it quick! I don't pay you to sit around all day schmoozing with Gwynn!" :crazy:
:cool: pete
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