Dressing the Avatar

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By lendowg - 14 Years Ago
I have a specific look I need a specific hat and smock for a character but I am having a difficult time figuring out how to modify the clothes and adding a hat on a female avatar. Can someone please help. I have tried the tutorials only with limited success.
By Alley - 14 Years Ago
Hi, please post or send a picture via pm or alley@iclonealley.com  Bigboss or I might be able to help.,
By lendowg - 14 Years Ago
I pm the url for you to see.
By lendowg - 14 Years Ago
Did you get the picture. Im also trying to figure out how to put gloves on also.
By Alley - 14 Years Ago
Hi - yes I got the picture.  So, you want a dress with that sort of pattern and a hat similar to the picture.

The hat may be possible with Flowing Skirt Elements but it would mean you would have to purchase a couple of elements possibly - in the Marketplace each element used would be 100 points. For Gloves, you should search the forum for "gloves".  Bigboss offered a freebie some time ago.  I could try the hat but to be honest, it is so unique, I'm not sure how close I could come. 

If you really want me to re-create a dress similar to that, a full length picture would be better if you have it.

By lendowg - 14 Years Ago
How much are the points? And the top is really a smock with a leopard print ankle length skirt underneath. Thanks for the response, and how much is your service?
By animagic - 14 Years Ago
A simple way to do gloves, especially dark ones, is to change the skin texture of the hands to a (dark) color and use the Specular setting to introduce some shininess of the material. I've used that for black leather gloves and it worked pretty good.
By lendowg - 14 Years Ago
Thanks that was a very good suggestion, much appreciated.
By Alley - 14 Years Ago
100 points is equal to $1.00 U.S.  For the smock and skirt, I would just do it for you but it would be a fairly simple version using the G3 Clone Cloth for Essential Woman, Volume 1.  You need to have the clone cloth bases.  The default cloth does not have a skirt nor does it have a top that would be longer for making a "smock".  As I can't see it in the picture, but generally the term smock would refer to a top or blouse that is past the hips or at the hips.  So at the very least, you would need to purchase the Gown Lower and probably the overcoat or dress upper at 500 points each ($10.00).

In any case, it's hard to fully imagine the character without a full length picture so if you have one, it would help. :)

By lendowg - 14 Years Ago
attached is an almost full image
By Alley - 14 Years Ago
Ok, thanks - I'll see what I can do.:)
By Alley - 14 Years Ago

I did this with May Stout character.  The hat is flowing skirt elements Volume 2 template mixed with an element from flowing skirt Elements Volume 1.  Maybe there is another way to tackle the hat, I'm not sure.  It's not an easy one.  If anyone has any ideas, let me know.  To get this character you would have to buy:

May Stout Dress

May Gown Whole Set

Flowing Skirt Elements, Volume 2

1 Element from Flowing Hair Elements Volume 1

By Alley - 14 Years Ago
I think this is better and only requires 1 Flowing Element for 100 points - but you still need the May clothes.

By lendowg - 14 Years Ago
That's great, how do I pay you? Will you make it available at your store?
By Alley - 14 Years Ago
The dress and hat are my treat - just write me at alley@iclonealley.com to make arrangements.

You will need to purchase,

a)  May Gown Wholeset

b)  May Dress

c)  1 flowing element

d)  if you want the hair, it will require you to buy flowing Hair Elements, volume 1.




and if you want to use the hair which is for sale on Fashion Alley - you need this.....


But before you buy these, please let me verify in the morning as I am getting tired.

By lendowg - 14 Years Ago
Thanks for all your effort, are these items available at the Market Place and yes I will get them today.
By gizmo - 14 Years Ago
Alley (6/26/2011)
The dress and hat are my treat - just write me at alley@iclonealley.com to make arrangements.

Nice one Alley. Its great that people are willing to help others out, as I have found out.

By Alley - 14 Years Ago
This is a freebie in the store now - seemed the easiest way to do this...let me know once you have it and if you prefer I take it down - don't know how exclusive you want it to be.  Gave her a different name also for purposes of promo.

By lendowg - 14 Years Ago
Thank you I have downloaded it, you may take it down or leave it, your choice.