Fore Minaturization
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By JasonWynngard - 14 Years Ago
Right now, I'm working on a project using the Horse & Tack package. I'd like to see iClone with the ability to miniaturize avatars in the foreground. I wanted to have a tiny horse cantering in front of a screen as part of my title introduction but can't do that. I opted for a workaround by having the horse move across and out of the scene instead. This was after trying to use Widgetcast to create the miniature which worked fine EXCEPT the widget loops endlessly which i don't want it to do.

In truth, if I made a widget long enough in duration there is a way to get the outcome I want. There's a very effective Russian screen capture program that will capture anything on your screen including sound within a film. BUT my experience has been if you put a video through too many "editors" your video quality will suffer for it. Please give iClone the ability to miniaturize all its characters. Yes, i know you can resize them by moving them farther back but I want the miniature up front and center.
By namunger - 14 Years Ago
Couldn't you make the foreground scene, export it as a video with an alpha mask, then re-import it as an image layer on top of the background scene?
By JasonWynngard - 14 Years Ago
namunger (2/13/2011)
Couldn't you make the foreground scene, export it as a video with an alpha mask, then re-import it as an image layer on top of the background scene?

Maybe, the thought didn't occur to me. But I still wish iClone allowed miniaturization of characters like the horse in Horse and Tack. All the same, than you for your suggestion. I will try that next time I do a project calling for a miniaturized avatar to perform in the foreground.
By stuckon3d - 14 Years Ago
JasonWynngard (2/13/2011)
Right now, I'm working on a project using the Horse & Tack package. I'd like to see iClone with the ability to miniaturize avatars in the foreground. I wanted to have a tiny horse cantering in front of a screen as part of my title introduction but can't do that. I opted for a workaround by having the horse move across and out of the scene instead. This was after trying to use Widgetcast to create the miniature which worked fine EXCEPT the widget loops endlessly which i don't want it to do.

In truth, if I made a widget long enough in duration there is a way to get the outcome I want. There's a very effective Russian screen capture program that will capture anything on your screen including sound within a film. BUT my experience has been if you put a video through too many "editors" your video quality will suffer for it. Please give iClone the ability to miniaturize all its characters. Yes, i know you can resize them by moving them farther back but I want the miniature up front and center.

To scale the horse down proportionally is easy, just follow these steps:
1) select the horse
2) under adjust proportion, click "lock xyz" and move the depth slider down( this will scale the horse down by 50%)
3) save that horse
4)empty the stage and load new scaled down horse
5) repeat until you have the tiny horse you are looking for. :)

Hope this helped,

By Dreamcube017 - 14 Years Ago
I would also suggest just doing the alpha in post like was suggested before.

Just have the horse ride across the scene with the camera far away. Have th e background be black.

Then in another video editor, just add this video to it and things should work. Keying out the black should be pretty easy.

Scaling might work, but you'd hve less problems with the way I just described.
By JasonWynngard - 14 Years Ago
stuckon3d (2/13/2011)

To scale the horse down proportionally is easy, just follow these steps:
1) select the horse
2) under adjust proportion, click "lock xyz" and move the depth slider down( this will scale the horse down by 50%)
3) save that horse
4)empty the stage and load new scaled down horse
5) repeat until you have the tiny horse you are looking for. :)

Hope this helped,


Oh gosh! Where were you at 3AM this morning??? I put your advice to work and BINGO, I got exactly the effect I sought. Time and again guys like you have saved my iClone ignorant neck. There is no way I can thank you guys enough for all the rapid and workable assistance I've gotten in this forum. I'm going to re-do the work I struggled with prior to the above advice and give a link so at least you can see the results of your advice. Thank you.
By JasonWynngard - 14 Years Ago
Dreamcube017 (2/13/2011)
I would also suggest just doing the alpha in post like was suggested before.

Just have the horse ride across the scene with the camera far away. Have th e background be black.

Then in another video editor, just add this video to it and things should work. Keying out the black should be pretty easy.

Scaling might work, but you'd hve less problems with the way I just described.

I will experiment with that but truth be told the scaling worked like a charm and I have the exact result I wanted.
By Dreamcube017 - 14 Years Ago
Well whatever works.

Glad you got it working.
By sayyidilyas - 13 Years Ago
This seems to work for normal avatars but not for the horse when I tried it.
I wanted to create a forest scene with mountains and also with fog.
The fog would only work if the whole scene is scaled down considerably due to its range limitation.
I scaled down the mountains, hills, trees, and characters just fine.
Everything was going fine until it came time to scale down the horse.
The horse will not scale down below 50% even after saving or adding to library, deleting and adding back to scene to redo the avatar scaling down. The slider will move but the horse stays the same size
What step am I missing if it seems to be working for others and not for me?