Contestant Entry List Confirmation
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By Visconti - 14 Years Ago
Dear Participants

Since there are many different image and video entries randomly posted among forum and Facebook areas, to make sure every entry is well received, Reallusion arranged them in a list below for your final confirmation. Please do let us know if your entry is missed and where it can be found before 1/14. We will finally select and announce the winners on 1/25.

Thanks for your help

The entry list was updated on 1/14 (yellow part), and the final update will be 1/17.
If you find your entry is not enrolled, please contact us before 1/17.

By planetstardragon - 14 Years Ago
Hi Visconti - I also had a video entry in addition to the Still Entry

The Flying Island aka Laputa Island from Gullivers travels

Cheers. :)
By Sandpaints - 14 Years Ago
I'm not seeing some entries that were made but may have scrolled off Facebook.

There was an Ice Skating video by Ulrike Beyer at one time. I am checking for some possible other entries. Also there is an entry by Entretenimiento Multimedia Interactivo still up on Facebook posted from Spain in the video category. Michael Francis has two entries, the one in addition to your list is a video called "The Zigs" - so you need to check perhaps if he wants to designate one or whatever. "Old Trafford" and "Home and Two Cars" videos are by the same person, Николай Русенов.

Samulis missed the deadline with "The Castle" - posted here and also time stamped January 6th on YouTube, unless you want to overlook this. His word is that he had problems uploading at the last moments after some problems rendering. I vouch he is a very good Knight of the Realm and noble peer in this kingdom.

Russell Booker had a video posted of girls dancing at Times Square in New York, probably to his own music performance. I believe this scrolled off Facebook.

Mohammed Yaqoub has a still image posted early in the contest, a large building in a woodland, and another that is basically a video of the same subject that probably missed the deadline of midnight January 5th. But I am sure he wants his still image considered. It is still up on the second page at Facebook.

My own still image was titled "Snow Alien Playroom" on Facebook, but may not have been posted here with the title as I probably did not know just how to post back then.

Also, FYI - the links in the topic post above are not working, at least not with Firefox browser.

Also, the SketchUcation webpage has listed January 15 as the announcement date, probably pushed back for travel scheduling etc. with some of your staff in the U.K. at a trade show?

I like seeing this list and looking at the entries again. I think there might logically be more that slipped away especially at Facebook. But hopefully this helps out.

Dave Ebert
By menro28 - 14 Years Ago
Entretenimiento Multimedia Interactivo and menro28 it is all the same, I forgive myself if he has taken to confution. Thanks Dave. ;):)
By hj - 14 Years Ago

here my video

i miss in the list

By Samulis - 14 Years Ago
ebertdavid (1/12/2011)

Samulis missed the deadline with "The Castle" - posted here and also time stamped January 6th on YouTube, unless you want to overlook this. His word is that he had problems uploading at the last moments after some problems rendering. I vouch he is a very good Knight of the Realm and noble peer in this kingdom.

It was on Facebook on time (precisely six minutes before the due time- Reallusion should know who I am due to the 'friend Reallusion on Facebook'... that is, if they kept track of people from that)... the post here was made when I realized that many people were doing that. You are certainly right in the fact that I did have an issue with importing, but that's certainly my fault, as my poor little computer (when compared to what many of you have) has trouble importing textures onto 150k face model (several crashes led me to cut up the model and import it in three separate components)... which is certainly understandable. :hehe:
By gp0778 - 14 Years Ago
I don't want to be a downer or anything, but your entry doesn't seem to be on the FB page.
By animagic - 14 Years Ago
I would suggest that future contests do NOT rely on FaceBook entries, to give all an equal opportunity. FB's "scrolling" feature and lack of history has a tendency to make entries disappear.  Beyond exchanging family snapshots it's pretty useless, whatever the communis opinio.  The average message board implementation is vastly superior...

[I'm still awaiting 845 my points even though I "friended" RL... :crying: ]

By moviemaniac - 14 Years Ago
Iclone sketchup rendering contest

Here my video 

 I been having trouble to upload it . Anyway it's a plasure to honor sketchup and Iclone,it's not only about the contest . I have it on my facebook page too
By gp0778 - 14 Years Ago
I am very happy about the fact that the contest was held on Facebook. That gave complete newbies like me a chance to actually win the software. Lets be realistic here, the forum regulars came up with some fantastic entries, and a novice just can't compete with that. The Facebook side of this contest gave me other ways to win(hopefully). Without that, there would not be an "equal opportunity" for everyone to have a chance win something in this contest.

Furthermore, it's great and free way for Reallusion to advertise their products.
By Samulis - 14 Years Ago
gp0778 (1/12/2011)
I don't want to be a downer or anything, but your entry doesn't seem to be on the FB page.

I think you will find it at the end of this link...

It's dated January 5th at 11:52 PM.

And no, Samulis Q. Augustus is my pen-name, not my birth name, though it often is used by both me and others to be the latter.
By m.y - 14 Years Ago
Dear Visconti

my name comes under koz786 or mohammed yaqoub

the video entry is correct

but you haven't upload my still image in entry which it's on facebook

under Mohammed Yaqoub

should like this

By m.y - 14 Years Ago
Dear Visconti

my name is koz786 or Mohammed Yaqoub

my still image is not on list 

By gp0778 - 14 Years Ago
I'm sorry Samulis, but that video is inaccessible. The link you gave me says that that video has either been removed from FB, or is not visible due to privacy settings.
By Visconti - 14 Years Ago
Dear Users

Thanks for your enthusiastic assist
We have updated the entry list as below (highlited as yellow).
But there are still some entries you mentioned that I can't find the specific links.
So, it would be helpful if you can notify the users or directly provide the links for us.
That would be much appreciated.

About the deadline issue, since the time zone is quite different, and the last post was made around 1/15, Reallusion doesn't want to be so restrict on this, the entry will still count.

We apologize that there is the scrolling problem in Facebook that we lost some of the early entries. We hope those authors can see our announcement and get back to us soon. I will update the final entry list on 1/17 to ensure the correctness. After that, the list will be provided to the judge team, so please grab the last chance to remind us.

Best Regards


By Samulis - 14 Years Ago
gp0778 (1/13/2011)
I'm sorry Samulis, but that video is inaccessible. The link you gave me says that that video has either been removed from FB, or is not visible due to privacy settings.

Of course... the privacy settings... Well, I can get a screenshot of the entry and the timestamp if you need it. ;)

It does appear the contest runners do not have an issue with the video, as it is still on the list and I have not been contacted.
By animagic - 14 Years Ago
As long as FB is not the only way to enter, I guess it's OK, but reading about some of the issues my critisism stands.  And, "old hands" could enter at FB too, so I don't see why that would be better or improve your chances...
By gp0778 - 14 Years Ago
Of course... the privacy settings... Well, I can get a screenshot of the entry and the timestamp if you need it

Lol no, I was just pointing out that something isn't working on the FB page. I ran into some problems of my own with Facebook(which in the end didn't matter), some of my invites sent to my friends never reached them at all.

Anyways, one more entry into the contest doesn't really make a difference to me either way since I'm not going for 1st or even 3rd place, I'm just competing on the Facebook side of this contest.

As for why entering on FB improved my chances, at least on the facebook page I stand a chance to win, because I have a lot of friends whom I can count on to help me win. Other people posted their entries there as well, and I saw that a lot of invites were sent out by other contestants, however most of those invited people didn't seem to vote for anyone at all.

By Samulis - 14 Years Ago
Yeah, I think including Facebook was a double-edged sword- it may get some more folks involved, but a fair number of people already involved would rather just stick with the forums, which I find nice, as you can customize your post more on the forums than on Facebook.
By gp0778 - 14 Years Ago
Agreed, having the contest only on Facebook wouldn't have worked out too well for some people. The ones who posted their entries on the last day would benefit the most, because their posts would still be visible. At the same time, without the prizes for the most votes and comments on the Facebook page, newbies wouldn't have much hope of winning anything.

Hosting the contest on Facebook and the forums at the same time was the best possible solution.
By Dreamcube017 - 14 Years Ago
Gee well I guess that's what I get for not reading the forum... I'm not in the video list or at least I don't see my name...

Here's my video.

I entered over facebook as David Mckee... yeah you know mmy real name now.
By animagic - 14 Years Ago
Nice presentation, Dreamcube!

As to FB, I get it now... I wouldn't do well, not enough friends!

By Dreamcube017 - 14 Years Ago

I was on facebook a while before I had any friends... I think I had like two and I didn't care.

It's actually a bit cooler when youhave less friends. That way the news feed will only tell you things about people you know and are close to.

It makes a bit more interesting read than seeing what everyone, their friends, and their friends mom's friends are doing.
By Samulis - 14 Years Ago
gp0778 (1/15/2011)
Hosting the contest on Facebook and the forums at the same time was the best possible solution.

I agree. :)
By m.y - 14 Years Ago
what does it mean by ranks
By moviemaniac - 14 Years Ago
I am not to sure. But it's looks like a grade 
By Sandpaints - 14 Years Ago
Well it has been fun and educational all around. Too bad it was started on FaceBook then expanded to the forum and now a matter of some confusion. We tried what we could, each of us, and including as many entrants as possible is part of the party.

Now we just keep going on other stuff and wait for this to sort out. This is a lot like life, nothing is perfect but sometimes it's amazing and fun. I'm a happy camper and have no complaints.

It seems as though there is a sense of civility here that we can foster.

By Dreamcube017 - 14 Years Ago
I agree. It was fun making and was also fun checking out everyone ele's work.

By Samulis - 14 Years Ago
Dreamcube017 (1/16/2011)
I agree. It was fun making and was also fun checking out everyone ele's work.

Most folks in this community care more about the latter part- seeing and challenging each other to do better and try harder... AnimaTechnica makes movies fast to prove he's a God as much as he makes them to prove that together, our community can achieve great things.
By Sandpaints - 14 Years Ago
On FaceBook I sent out a message to Beyer and Booker about the 17th lock down of entries. They have 63 people listed as attending the contest, so anyone who recognizes a name there might send out a last minute notice to those people. Perhaps there is still time to hear from them.

Regarding the rank letters assigned, perhaps those are indications of a sorting into who is running for positions. "A" might indicate the pile for consideration of 1st place, "B" = 2nd place contenders. "C" etc.? Nobody knows but it makes for some thoughts!

I just came in off the road for several months to find my cabin frozen over, the well pipe frozen solid and critters living in the rafters. Only have a phone 56k connection now at the cabin, so guess I won't be seeing any more videos unless I upgrade that (after a lot of work around here.) Ah, winter. I was gone because my mother passed away. She was 91 and spent the summer here, learning about animation and iClone while we had a lot of fun. Last summer we wrote an ebook using iClone to create images for each page, but there were no sales.

By Visconti - 14 Years Ago
Hi, Folks

Here is the final entry list.

@ Dreamcube017
Your video is originally misplaced in the image entry group.
We have corrected it. Sorry for the confusion.

And thanks for all about the inputs for holding a contest in Facebook.
In the other hand, we have sent the final notifications to the participants in Facebook.
We hope it helps. :)

By Sandpaints - 14 Years Ago
Excellent. I think we can all be pretty satisfied with the job you did moderating this contest.:)

NOTE: Russell Booker re-posted his video over on FaceBook, hope you can pick up on that for his entry. Thanks.
By Samulis - 14 Years Ago
I agree... this contest was very well done, and also had much of the community active in it... any/all issues were circumnavigated professionally and in a constructive manner. :)
By duchess110 - 14 Years Ago
I would also like to just say a thank you to listening to those of us that do not use facebook and gave me at least the option to participate in the contest from this forum.


By Dreamcube017 - 14 Years Ago

...facebook haters...
By animagic - 14 Years Ago
It's not so much hating it, as finding it useless...  Where do people find the time...
By Capemedia - 14 Years Ago
Good luck everyone!

Now lets see some movies :)