Van Gogh's Bedroom at Arles. Remix :)
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By kurzal - 15 Years Ago

I was always curious how it would have looked in reality :)
By mark - 15 Years Ago
By Teviniii - 15 Years Ago
By brystudio - 15 Years Ago
Great work did you happen to use photoshop brushes for the textures?
By duchess110 - 15 Years Ago
Very nice work Kurzal.
By kurzal - 15 Years Ago
Thank you all!

did you happen to use photoshop brushes for the textures?

No. Just use tileable textures plus Blend channel. And normal maps, of course :)
By Sen - 15 Years Ago

very very good ;).

By gizmo - 15 Years Ago
kurzal . . . that is truly excellent work my friend.
By stuckon3d - 15 Years Ago
Great looking image Kurzal! :)
What technique did you use to simulate the ambient occlusion? it is very well done. :cool:
By planetstardragon - 15 Years Ago
you are very talented kurzal, you have a good eye for art. :cool: cheers!!
By kurzal - 15 Years Ago
stuckon3d (12/17/2010)

... What technique did you use to simulate the ambient occlusion?

I would call it as "awful-time-consuming-hand-made-technique" :) Painting on textures in PS plus overhead "shadows" (*.png image planes) everywhere :) I'd really like that in iClone 5 AO would appear at last.


The fact I've always liked this great masterpiece. That's why I was swearing... and yet continued to draw :)
By stuckon3d - 15 Years Ago
kurzal (12/17/2010)
stuckon3d (12/17/2010)

... What technique did you use to simulate the ambient occlusion?

I would call it as "awful-time-consuming-hand-made-technique" :) Painting on textures in PS plus overhead "shadows" (*.png image planes) everywhere :) I'd really like that in iClone 5 AO would appear at last.


The fact I've always liked this great masterpiece. That's why I was swearing... and yet continued to draw :)

You hand painted them? wow , great job. Very accurate results! Very Impressive! :w00t:
BTW you missed the shadows in-between the legs of Van Gogh, there should be some self-occlusion there as well where the legs touch the chair to create better contact. ;)

Good luck in the competition.


PS: i can't wait until IC 5 and having screen based self occlusion. too. :)
By kurzal - 15 Years Ago
stuckon3d (12/17/2010)

BTW you missed the shadows in-between the legs of Van Gogh, there should be some self-occlusion there as well. ;)

:blush: I know... :blush: I noticed it only when it's all done ... but I had no strength to rework ... I hope that you don't tell anyone about it ;)
By Seeker769 - 15 Years Ago
Very inspirational.


By W.VEEKE - 15 Years Ago
Very very professional made. My hat off

By colour - 15 Years Ago
That must have been before his right ear was sliced-off;)

Great Impressionist Pic, Kurzal :)

By W.VEEKE - 15 Years Ago
Yes, i take my hat off, you are a real artist
By kurzal - 15 Years Ago
Thank you all for your kind words!

That must have been before his right ear was sliced-off

I think it was left ear :) He painted his self-portraits looking at the mirror. This can be judged by which side are the buttons in the picture and ... it's easier for right-hander to cut yourself a left ear :D
By Wolfzone Digital - 15 Years Ago
Simply marvellous. A piece of art representing a piece of art :)
By colour - 15 Years Ago
kurzal (12/18/2010)
Thank you all for your kind words!

That must have been before his right ear was sliced-off

I think it was left ear :) He painted his self-portraits looking at the mirror. This can be judged by which side are the buttons in the picture and ... it's easier for right-hander to cut yourself a left ear :D
That was the pic I was thinking of.

It's always been thought that he cut-off his ear himself. However, recent research suggests that Gaugin cut it off in a drunken brawl!

By Sandpaints - 15 Years Ago
I wish I was as positive as everyone here, but this does seem a long jump from the SketchUp model to the iClone rendered model. For me, many details do not seem to match in a kind of visual mathematical sense. To me it appears much like a 2D painting overlaid with additions that produce effects not generated through iClone. I guess what I am saying is that I was not expecting so much Post Production for an image here.

But then, it does show what can be done with computers and some artistry.:discuss:

By kurzal - 15 Years Ago
colour (12/18/2010)
kurzal (12/18/2010)
Thank you all for your kind words!

That must have been before his right ear was sliced-off

I think it was left ear :) He painted his self-portraits looking at the mirror. This can be judged by which side are the buttons in the picture and ... it's easier for right-hander to cut yourself a left ear :D
That was the pic I was thinking of.

It's always been thought that he cut-off his ear himself. However, recent research suggests that Gaugin cut it off in a drunken brawl!

Anyway, drunkenness is evil. That's why I quit drinking 4 years ago :)
By Orientlove - 15 Years Ago
It's stunning beautiful!!

I love the colors you used for the textures (very much Van Gogh like) and the Van Gogh avatar as well.
So much artistic.

You just gained a new fan! :D
By peteradam6 - 14 Years Ago
Great work, and lots of "pop". People might be interested to take a look at the original model on 3D Warehouse:
By thebiz.movies - 14 Years Ago
Great work Kurzal. I love those art comes alive models and you make it look very very good. Check out this model of Hopper's Nighthawks (if you havent seen it already). Cool stuff.
By kurzal - 14 Years Ago
thebiz.movies (1/5/2011)
Great work Kurzal. I love those art comes alive models and you make it look very very good. Check out this model of Hopper's Nighthawks (if you havent seen it already). Cool stuff.

Thanks for link. Really cool.
And I can advise :) this model: Johannes Vermeer – The Milkmaid. Simply amazing!
By thebiz.movies - 14 Years Ago
kurzal (1/5/2011)
thebiz.movies (1/5/2011)
Great work Kurzal. I love those art comes alive models and you make it look very very good. Check out this model of Hopper's Nighthawks (if you havent seen it already). Cool stuff.

Thanks for link. Really cool.
And I can advise :) this model: Johannes Vermeer – The Milkmaid. Simply amazing!

That is nice! I just downloaded it and WOW! So real....What do you think this guy does his modeling in? Sketchup?

One more from me - Dali's Sphere's...worth a download to see it in action.

Ive always thought it would be cool to make a living museum flick in iclone. Theres certainly some models worth using for that kind of thing.
By kurzal - 14 Years Ago
thebiz.movies (1/5/2011)
What do you think this guy does his modeling in? Sketchup?

I think he used SketchUp for simple shapes (vase etc) and different program for "organic" shapes (pay attention to the triangular mesh) But! He could, for example, use some ruby script/plug-in for hard modelling inside SketchUp. Why not? :)
By Sandpaints - 14 Years Ago
And the possibility he makes it in SketchUp, then exports it not as a sketchup model format, then re-imports it to tweek the triangles for the shape. That would work and explain the triangles too I think. But it would be much easier to explain via the use of another program as you mention. 

We learn from watching others, I guess.