Bring Your Architecture To Life - Banana Grove
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By duchess110 - 15 Years Ago
The House I made in SketchUp 8 the only item used made by another was the front door made by Vickey.

By duchess110 - 15 Years Ago
I tried to create the feel of the last of the sunlight as dusk slowly creeps in and the night draws near.
By Sandpaints - 14 Years Ago
I seem to recall an entirely different entry from you with a water fountain and some neat night shots.

This works, but I liked the earlier stuff more.

It's hard to get the Owl flight speed right I suppose, but this one is pretty slow over the ground!

The still images here are very welcoming. Makes one want to knock on the door.

By Capemedia - 14 Years Ago
Another knock out entry, great stuff :)
By duchess110 - 14 Years Ago
ebertdavid (1/4/2011)
I seem to recall an entirely different entry from you with a water fountain and some neat night shots.

This works, but I liked the earlier stuff more.

It's hard to get the Owl flight speed right I suppose, but this one is pretty slow over the ground!

The still images here are very welcoming. Makes one want to knock on the door.

Hi ebertdavid

Yes that poor old owl is a bit slow perhaps he has just eaten a nice juicy mouse and is weighing a bit on the heavy side.

That other one is still around although I took some still shots out reduced it to only 2 iClone Renders instead of the 5 I had originally put up it has just gone onto the other page.

After reading the rules stating a premade sketchup model/your own sketchup model that's when I decided what the heck I'm not going win anyway with all the talent thats around I will do two entries one using my own model and one using a sketchup premade model, as it did not state that you could not do the both options.

Thanks Cape for the comments appreciated.

By Sandpaints - 14 Years Ago
Never count yourself out nice lady. There are lots of prizes and always the human element of the tastes of the judges. And the judges know what is possible and not possible using the softwares expected to be used to render, so some might be disqualified (or not.)

You have some good entries! :P