Puzzled about Extended License vs Enterprice license.

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By ojala.juha - Last Year
Hi folks, could you please clarify me about if I can use the CC-content in my game with Extended license of do I need an Enterprice one.
 I'll try to explain how the character system and clothing works in my game:

-Game uses Base Female and Male characters from Character Creator.
-The game has a fully customizable character. You can change skin color, add hairs, mustache and different kinds of clothes at will in mid-game.
-The assets are from Character creator + Marketplace.
-Some assets are from 3rd party library attached to characters
-Game is multiplayer game where other people see the appearance of other characters

So I first though I am good to go if I buy Extended licenses, but now I stumbled upon the Enterprice license and i'm not sure if I understood correctly but it seems that if the clothes are swapped inside mid game, I need the Enterprice one? Is that correct? If I look any characters or accessories the buyer offers the Standard or Extended license. Where does the Enterprice license comes to play?

Thank you.
By Sophus - Last Year
The game has a fully customizable character. You can change skin color, add hairs, mustache and different kinds of clothes at will in mid-game.

This will need an Enterprise license. 

You need to inquire Reallusion support to get this. Be aware, this is priced for companies and depends on the project, so as a solo-dev you probably cannot easily afford this. 

I suspect it's at least $10k or a significant percentage of your revenue.
By ojala.juha - Last Year
Thanks. I was reading more about today and this is what I thought. I think 10k is something I am willing to go. I will contact Reallusion.