Voice Over for animations Also Singing and original music.

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By Humbleworks - Last Year

HelloIcloner’s. I started with iClone in about 2010

I was  excited as I could use it with a lot of my music projects. I mate lots of films with iClone 5 and never moved on from there as MUSIC has always been  ‘My Thing’. A lifetime in it. I not only created films for myself but found clients who needed films too. So it all wen well. But I got back more into music. So I never moved on to new up from iclone 5. I  did a bit of Crazy Talk and loved that basic one as well. I have come back to dabble a bit after many years away. I still love iclone 5. The people don't look real...I like that. Same for cartoons. But music is where I am at. A singer and Voice/Over artist. So, if you need voices in any style for animations check me out. I also have my own original music for animations. ‘I will give you special rates’  https://www.shirleykentvoiceservices.co.uk

This is a film I created 12 years ago for a New York client.


By AutoDidact - Last Year
Hi you seem to be a bit behind the times
AI generated voices have become realistic enough for Iclone animators to use in production particularly the paid services but even the free ones are quite good
such as the free ones from open AI

There are also many AI generated music services for us to create our own royalty free music:

This video I made with Reallusion Cartoon animator is 
Narrated by an AI generated voice.

By Humbleworks - Last Year
I guess I am.....but if anyone needs a real voice ! I am here. Robots also can't sing quite like a human. But I get your message. Thanks
By Humbleworks - Last Year
mmm Had a listen...the dead zone....not really there. So not sold on the 'new'. But thank you for taking the time.
Here are two samples of my work...as a singer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-TJI9ttuyA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eSyXrGAB0E   PLUS here are a duo I created  in 2023

'Daf & Dor' residents at animationonabudget.co.uk
By AutoDidact - Last Year
You certainly have a lovely voice.

However if you look at the “showcase yourself” section
of this forum you wont find many musical productions in the niche where you operate.
Also we have many people in the Iclone community who prefer non english speaking
voice over work for their animated film productions for male and females which is an area where AI excels.
But, as they say, good luck to you. 
By Humbleworks - Last Year
I can supply American accents....and other accents. I can create male and female strange voices.This...is me male and female. I have never taken a negative approach to what I can and can't do. What robots talk can't do (a far as I can hear) is no intonation....This is a sample animation with voice I have just created.   Animation Game Sample 1 created 2024 Shirley Kent Voice Services   But thanks for input.
By AutoDidact - Last Year
I was not really not referring to obviously pitched down female audio voices with fake accents
I meant Actual foreign language translated audio such as french
This was done by Iclone user Chary Rama using the 
AI system over at elevenlabs.
This the is level of versatility most people here have come to expect as we are Way past the old days of
distorted echo laden audio pitch changing and unrecognizable fake “accents”

Also AI has been capable of emotional intonation for a few years now.

By animagic - Last Year
I have used ElevenLabs extensively and it can indeed use a voice trained on English and then have it speak in another language.

In an experiment, I cloned my wife (her voice that is...), who is an American-English speaker, and had her speak Dutch, which she does not master. I can't find the result right now but it was a proper Dutch accent (with a few minor traces of English) and manner of speaking.

The AI approach is very different from the old TTS approach, in that it looks at dialog in context. The voices are trained on voices from voice actors or you can clone a voice using your own source. And there are regular improvements.

One neat ElevenLabs feature that I have used is controling one voice with another. I had a voice I liked, but it was a bit flat. I then had the dialog spoken by a more dynamic voice and had it control the first voice with much better results. 
By Humbleworks - Last Year
To both Distinguished members. I see the progress and I am sure it will improve. But thankfully the human voices (whilst we keep using it !) have their pace. Because there is a soul in there. I  think we have BOTH made our point now.  The human voice even digitally created from samples for me and many cannot be replaced. So let us close the book on this one.
By AutoDidact - Last Year
The AI approach is very different from the old TTS approach, in that it looks at dialog in context. The voices are trained on voices from voice actors or you can clone a voice using your own source. And there are regular improvements.
Indeed and females with artificially pitched down voices have NEVER sounded natural, particularly when you need a calm mid range masculine voice that does not sound like a TV cartoon villain.
And the music industry is in turmoil over AI's ability to create ORIGINAL SONGS.

And BTW this (frankly elitist) term “soul” is so completely subjective as to be utterly meaningless in a discussion about the utilitarian value of a software tool for visual & audio entertainment and production in late 2024

By Sophus - Last Year
Hey Humbleworks! Don't get discouraged by these AI platforms. They are definitely not competitive compared to real humans. They are mostly interesting for creators who would have probably never hired real voice actors in the first place.

One can hear the limited expressions in the AI voice since most of the models are trained on podcasts or audio books and not real voice acting, which results in monotone voices. Additionally, the frequency spectrum is often limited, so the voices sound thin. And automatic translation into other languages is very problematic if one doesn't speak it, because the translation is often simply incorrect or even completely wrong.

And AI generated music has these flanger-like artifacts.

Both these problems are very distracting and make the end product feel very cheap. So human voice actors and singers are definitely the way to go.
By AutoDidact - Last Year

Don't get discouraged by these AI platforms. They are definitely not competitive compared to real humans.
Then perhaps you should go and tell these folks to get back to work since they have nothing to worry about. 

Of course there will always be people who want humans to create for them but humans will have to adjust their 
pricing expectations going forward because the economics of people using AI thats is “good enough”are not in their favor.
looking at small markets like Iclone hobby filmmakers with no production budgets one has to be realistic as most Iclone user are not making for profit feature films for netflix
And you will never convince me that a human female pitching down their voice with audio software will ever make for a convincing male voice compared to the ones we can get from places like elevenlabs.

By animagic - Last Year
I did a pre-release viewing of a film I'm working on and I received positive reactions. Nobody complained about the voices. But, to each his/her won.

I find that it is now en vogue is some films to have the actors mumble, because it is supposedly more "natural". I don't believe in that, so the dialog in my films is clearly understandable.

Several years ago I had easy access to a recording studio and invited some people to help with the voices. I think they did a good job, but there were complaints, regardless...:unsure:

I now live in a rural area with limited access to voice talent, let alone a recording studio, so I am happy to see the quick advances in TTS technology.

For me there is another reason. It helps to hear the dialog spoken in order to make adjustments to what is said of necessary. I can easily make those changes.
By Sophus - Last Year
AutoDidact (10/23/2024)
Then perhaps you should go and tell these folks to get back to work since they have nothing to worry about. 

The United States have a horrible workers rights. Some companies like Walmart tried these in Europe and failed hard.

I fully support movements to improve working conditions and payment/compensations and protections against dismissal and allowing paid leave etc. Everything that is completely normal in European countries.
By AutoDidact - Last Year
The United States have a horrible workers rights. Some companies like Walmart tried these in Europe and failed hard.
I fully support movements to improve etc etc ….. 

I fully support movements to improve etc etc ….. 
Did you even read the article I linked??
These are workers in an American voice acting union
for video games Europe/ Walmart is not relevant here.

They have left their jobs because of advances in AI voice acting that my replace them
(most likely will in fact).
But according to you,  ALL AI voice tech is unusable garbage so these workers are walking away from perfectly viable employment for no valid reason right?.

Spoiler Alert: this wont end well for them.

By Sophus - Last Year
I have no problem with the owners and managers of film studios, game studios and music publishers recording their own voices to create voiceovers or songs instead of hiring voice actors and singers on fair terms. They will then find work at companies that are more ethical or maybe even start their own companies. Who knows?
Come to think of it, AI can replace managers and CEOs much better than workers. Who will need them in the future?
By Humbleworks - Last Year
AutoDidact...Well as the world goes further down the black hole. I am glad I don't have to be a part of it. So bye bye ...and thanks for asserting how empty all this techno is. Ta Ta from the UK.
By Humbleworks - Last Year

God, that computer created music is SO SO  BAD and the VOICES !!!   you did make me go look at some A1 voices so what do you think of Revoicer ?
If film shows I created this 12 years ago...with simple Iclone 5.
By AutoDidact - Last Year
God, that computer created music is SO SO  BAD
Well the infamous RIAA is suing the  AI music companies so clearly it is good enough to make them they feel threatened enough to unleash the lawyers.
Full disclosure I utterly despise “country” music and consider ALL of it to be terrible.
That said the music Video you posted  is a brutal reminder of how horrible the old Iclone 5 renderer was so Kudos to Reallusion for the Advances it has made.
Additionaly I don’t find the music in your video  qualitatively any better than the “country” song this guy is producing with AI.
(Despite this guy goofy lyrics which AI can substitute with your "serious" lyrics if desired)

Except this guy will never have to negotiate usage rights with Joel Confino (or whomever) and can use his AI music 
anytime and any where with no restrictions.

Understand this ,We are in the age of Disposable, often single use only, entertainment and the ubiquitous, low effort nature of AI generated content will have an ever growing appeal in such an environment.

so what do you think of Revoicer ?

Revoicer seems servicable for voice work for iclone animation projects but I don’t find it particularly exceptional compared to  many other AI voice solutions available.

It is my observation that most of us in the Iclone community  are not creating musical productions and only need believable Distinct male & female voices with the option of non english languages to tell our animated stories
in that regard AI is a viable option in 2024

By Humbleworks - Last Year
I finish here. The sample vids are awful. MY PERSONAL VIEW. You spend too much time here. You don't need to comment back...I will not be replying. iclone 5 was simple and honest. It has all got a bit 'unreal' in the quest to be 'real' but these are my opinions and happy to finally leave this thread. By the way....your Robotic lady is speaking in a North American accent !!! not English.
By AutoDidact - Last Year
I finish here….I will not be replying… happy to finally leave this thread.

By Humbleworks - Last Year
This sounds like Italian crossed with Scottish...laughable !! Ta Ta...
By Humbleworks - Last Year
You are the only one talking sense here.... Thank You.
By Humbleworks - Last Year

You are the only one talking sense in this thread. Thank You.  
By AutoDidact - Last Year
This sounds like Italian crossed with Scottish

Hmmm  Except the Italian is a rhotic language and there is clearly no hint of a rhotic accent in my animation.

Also you have clearly assumed this is another example of “bad” AI voice generation When it is actually audio from a somewhat famous video internet  meme of HUMAN youtuber Mark Meechan 
(AKA “count Dankula”) Indeed born in North Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.

So you have  not only laid bare your  ignorance of the difference between rhotic and non rhotic dialects
but you FAILED to see the difference between a real human and “laughable” AI
A testament to how Good AI voice generation has become.
(original “count Dankula” Video)

By animagic - Last Year
Humbleworks (11/7/2024)
You are the only one talking sense here.... Thank You.

I thought I made some well thought out remarks regarding my experience with AI, but aparently anybody you don't agree with doesn't make sense. 
By AutoDidact - Last Year
but apparently anybody you don't agree with doesn't make sense. 
Which is the usual tactics of every anti-AI crusader you will encounter online it seems.
There are still some very legitimate criticism to be made about quality/usefulness of alot of the “AI slop” being posted all over the place particularly  with the "animated"  AI stuff.
But most anti AI people are so opposed to AI for emotional/political/ideological reasons that they won’t even discuss technical utilitarian matters which is why they resort to thinly veiled and outright personal attacks on anyone who does not share their emotional/political/ideological world view on this one subject.
By Humbleworks - Last Year
   ANIMAGIC       my reply was not to you. It was for Sophus.... NOT for you. 
By Humbleworks - Last Year
AutoDidact    you are rude  so you think I am ignorant ! well I do know about  rhotic ...although born in England with an English voice I am 100% Irish and can speak with an Irish accent. So I know about about  rhotic. You are not worth tapping any more keyboard letters. Also whatever you put up as samples are AWFUL...  It still sounds Italian/Scottish. Here END.   This message is for AutoDidact
By AutoDidact - Last Year
duplicate post deleted
By AutoDidact - Last Year
It still sounds Italian/Scottish.
the last animated video I posted used audio captured from a REAL LIFE SCOTTISH YOUTUBER .
you dismissed  this literal HUMAN voice audio  "as laughable AI"  that was mixing italian and scottish.
You FAILED to correctly identify a voice of a real life human being, born in North Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom, as being human.
Your credibility in any discussion about the utility of AI generated voices in character animation projects is ZERO.
By animagic - Last Year
Humbleworks (11/10/2024)
   ANIMAGIC       my reply was not to you. It was for Sophus.... NOT for you. 

I got that; I don't make sense...:unsure: