Blender Pipeline Broken?
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By b17zulu - Last Year
I'm trying to send a mesh to Blender to create a morph target.  Every time I export an OBJ from Blender and bring it back to CC4, it tells me the OBJ file or decryption key is corrupted.  To reproduce:
  • Install CC 4.5
  • Install Blender 4.2
  • In CC4, load Neutral Male, remove boxers, and restore bind pose
  • File>Export>OBJ>Nude Character in Bind Pose
  • Open Blender, import exported OBJ file from CC4
  • Export OBJ from Blender without changing anything
  • In CC4, Add a new morph, and use the Blender exported OBJ along with the OBJ Key file
  • Import fails and CC4 tells you that the OBJ file or decryption key corrupted.
Sending to Blender and sculpting no longer works.  Here's a video of the whole process:
By 4u2ges - Last Year

In Blender check Vertex Groups for Import/Export and uncheck Apply Modifiers at export.

By b17zulu - Last Year