Skin changing to normal
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By andrew.genaille - Last Year

Made this as a test to show that the zombie skin and blood disappear when the character talks and I’m wondering why and how to fix it.
By andrew.genaille - Last Year
Longer video The skingen just isn’t staying put

By DissociatedGame - Last Year
I actually came looking to this forum for the same issue. I was messing around with textures from substance painter though and not skingen.

By Rampa - Last Year
It probably is only happening on characters with wrinkles. After skin color changes the wrinkles need to be rebuilt. Following these steps should fix the issue:

1. Select the wrinkles tab in the modify panel.
2. Click the trashcan button to delete the current wrinkle maps.
3. Check the "Activate Expression Wrinkles" box to generate new wrinkle maps.
By andrew.genaille - Last Year

It worked for me.

Thank-you so much for that; We’re filming live actors in a week and then I was going to animate separate characters to interact with them but if I couldn’t fix the skin thing we were going to have to find skinny people and spend money we didn’t have getting make-up on them.

I have the face moving around, talking. The whole works.

So. Thankyou.