character A pose at the first frame when render movie render queue Unreal
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By kukuri7123 - Last Year
hello, I'm having trouble with rendering in Unreal Engine.
I transfer character and motion to unreal (Bake all animations to sequencer)
(character was made CC4, add muscle and change hair from Kevin)
When play in sequencer it looks fine, but when I render using movie render queue, the character snaps to A pose in the first frame and then plays back normally from the second frame.
I found it happens when I use anti aliasing with temporal sample count more than 2.
If I use count 1, there is no problem. but character looks so blurry especially in the fast motion.
how can I solve this problem?

By kukuri7123 - Last Year
The problem is solved.
I've experimented with many different options, but the only solution that worked is the preroll option.
right-click on the animation bar of character in the sequence, went to Properties -> Advanced -> Set Preroll Frames to 20, and the problem went away.
Other options like 'keep state' when the animation ends or setting the camera cut start range to -1 didn't work.
I'm not sure what exactly the preroll option is, or what other problems it might cause later, but for now the problem is solved.
I hope this helps someone who is struggling with the same issue as I was.