What to do regarding marketplace content blatantly pilfering free content off Sketchfab and trying to charge for it?

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By lordpsymon - Last Year
Just noticed one of the building packs released recently seems to contain props that anyone could download off Sketchfab for free...
By animagic - Last Year
If you think there is plagarism, copyright infringement, or something like that involved you need to contact RL Support at https://www.reallusion.com/about/contact_us.html.

On the other hand, objects may seem similar, but don't necessarily have to be. And yes, you can pay for a chair or find one for free, for example. May not be the same quality. 
By Peter (RL) - Last Year
As Animagic already mentioned, please always report your concerns to Support with links to the Marketplace product page and to the original source product page. Thanks.