2024 Reallusion 3D Character Contest - Catriel Mamani

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By catrielmamani16 - Last Year
Hi everyone,

I'm happy to participate in this contest, I've had a character in mind for a long time so I'm going to get to work and enjoy the process.

My idea is to create a samurai warrior combined with Oni details (western demons and ogres). The character I have in mind has to be imposing and produce terror to his enemies looking at them with his demon eyes, anyway I still want to keep the humanity of my character so it will be a samurai warrior with demon powers.

I hope you like the project, I'm recording the whole process and I'll upload it to my Youtube channel once I finish it.

Day 01

Day 03https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/8ac5cdde-6711-4cbf-bfc4-75a8.png
By catrielmamani16 - Last Year
Hey everyone, I still making the character for the contest but the deadline worries me a lot, I hope I can finish the character for the contest, meanwhile I share with you a WIP of how was the modeling of the character, now I'm finishing the highpoly, I will upload another WIP tomorrow.https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/ec439dad-f147-4081-819c-3544.pnghttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/e8edc90c-22a8-4db8-866c-9c7d.png
By catrielmamani16 - Last Year
Hi there, I'm working on the retopology now, I finished the highpoly process, here is the process to reach until end.
The  left part of the character doesn't has the high details because my PC doesn't support so much polygon mesh, so I decided to delete the right part of the highpoly and get it from the left part in the bake.