Incorrect deformation when using Thigh Tone from Ultimate Morphs
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By cuddlyogre - Last Year
This one is difficult to post a screenshot of considering the placement, which is why I'm posting a wireframe.
I can post a proper screenshot if requested, but it would likely be considered NSFW.
When you adjust the Thigh Tone (pack_leg3_Thigh Tone.ccslider) slider from Ultimate Morphs in either direction, a single vertex on the center line of the body near the beginning of the butt cheeks is moved unintentionally.
When Thigh Tone is negative, it causes a spike. When it is positive, it causes a hole.

By cuddlyogre - Last Year
Here's the content information for the morph.
By 4u2ges - Last Year
Definitely a bug. I suggest opening a ticket in Feedback Tracker so RL can fix it.
By cuddlyogre - Last Year
By mark - Last Year
... in the mean time can't you use the "Edit Mesh" to correct those errant points and polys?
By cuddlyogre - Last Year
That's what I've started doing. Not sure why I didn't think of it before.
By sunlikevoid - Last Year
you have to Adjust bones->Body Auto-Position, then adjust floor contacts before you use the morph.