Animation in MotionBuilder's root is offset
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By hayang_039799 - Last Year
Hi there, I downloaded animation and dummy model from ActorCore

And I followed the tutorial and use the define template provided by ActorCore:

When I import he animation to the MotionBuilder, my animation's root is offset and leave the ground. How can I fix this? Should I enable any settings?
It also happen when I use "Run to blast" animation. 

If I check the animation curve, MotionBuilder's translation curve are different from Maya (Seems MotionBuilder exchange the Y and Z axis?):

Any suggestion will be helpful.
Thank you

By Peter (RL) - Last Year

If you have followed the tutorial carefully and the problem still persists, please can you report the issue in the Feedback Tracker. The tracker is monitored directly by the relevant product teams who will investigate the issue and then update you there. Thanks.
By hayang_039799 - Last Year
I solved the issue by import the animation into Maya and save as a new file again with "Y up" axis setting selected even though it looks nothing changed in the Maya. After that the issue has gone. 
