CC4: How can I export a character in A-Pose instead of the default T-Pose
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By kavise100 - Last Year
I saw a post with similar title but it was for CC3, six years old and did not have a clear answer. I want to use Marvelous Designer and it wants my character to be in A pose. Is there any export settings I can use or way that I can export my character in A pose instead of T pose? I did try to save my character in A pose and used Edit Pose to "set current pose as default" but neither worked as my model is still exporting in a T pose.

Thanks much for any help
By 4u2ges - Last Year
Plenty of export choices for MD.
Let your character assume desired pose.
Export as OBJ > Character With Current Pose
Export as FBX > Clothed Character, select Mesh and Motion, choose "Current Pose" and make sure to uncheck "First Frame in Bind-pose"
By kavise100 - Last Year
Thank you for the response - I was able to add clothes to my pipeline by using FBX format for export.