Character Creator rendering white, no textures
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By gekido - Last Year
This just started happening, it's strange. 

I'm trying to render out some preview pics for my characters but the rendered images end up all white (like shown) and then the character in character creator does the same thing, it loses all of their textures and are basically broken until I reload them? 

Not sure what's going on here.

Any ideas? This is with the latest CC4. I'm rendering an Image, PNG, Final Render, Reduce Color Banding, Render with Max Texture Resolution, all settings that I have used for quite a while to render out my characters?
By gekido - Last Year
and now it's happening if I send the character to IClone and render there...sigh..
By animagic - Last Year
Try disabling Render with Max Texture  Resolution as this has been reported to give problems in the latest iClone and CC versions.
By richard666 - Last Year
its happening to me!!!!! again at a critical work project time, i am so pissed off with the money i loose trying to sort out Reallusion faults..  cant go on like this any longer

By Rampa - Last Year
So if you still have this issue, please do the following. You can test each one at a time to see if just one solves it.

1. Update your graphics driver.
2. Un-check the progressive texture loading box in the Performance section of the Preferences.

3. Set your realtime texture resolution to the largest texture size you are using, then un-check the "Render With Max Texture Resolution" in the render panel. If your realtime texture resolution is already your maximum texture map resolution you are not gaining any higher resolution by checking the box. You would only need to check that box if you run your realtime texture resolution lower than your maximum used texture resolution. 

For instance. I sometimes run my realtime textures lower to save on VRAM on my video card. This is more important for iClone than CC, because of the amount of textures in a scene. 
By gekido - Last Year
Thanks for the detailed reply. If I run into this again, I'll definitely dbl check those settings. 
By ReMark3Dcz - Last Year
Thank you Rampa!!

Finally my new character in "iray test" is rendering correctly with textures :-)

I was under the impression that there was some bug in my character.

It was quite frustrating and I couldn't find a solution, the recommended points helped.

Martin (RM3D)
By lubu - Last Year
are you using headshot 2.0 ? i fixed the problem a month ago but it just happened right now im trying to remember 
By gekido - Last Year
No I wasn't in my case, have done renders with headshot characters since and they work fine using the tips above