Motions exported to SketchFab
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By webdefender - Last Year
I am creating custom characters, rigging in Accurig, then exporting from Character Creator 4 straight to SketchFab. I can attach motions from Reallusion, but I think that violates the license if I either sell the rigged character or allow a free download. If I try instead to import a Miximo motion and save it as a motion file, for some reason it adds a lot of frames to the motion beyond the end of the movement. I guess it's because of the original project when I imported having more frames than the motion. 
1. Am I missing something with the Miximo import?
2. Are there free motions that I can use from Reallusion even if I allow a free download or sell the model.

Thanks for any help

By Rampa - Last Year
You would need to use non-Reallusion motions if you are planning to sell, or otherwise distribute, motions with your custom characters. See here for using common motion types.

And check the EULA, of course.
By webdefender - Last Year
Thanks. The part I was missing was where the Mixamo motions were stored after importing. Using that motion file worked.