Maya OrigShape comes in face down
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By dg09petee - Last Year
Hello, I am trying to export the CC4 Coyote preset model to Maya via FBX.
In CC4 I am using the Maya export preset in the FBX export options (which automatically selects Y as the axis). I am not exporting animation. 
The issue I am running into is that the mesh's OrigShape node come in face down (as if Z-Up). This doesn't seem to effect all CC characters but it does effect this one.

Is this a known issue? Thanks.
By animagic - Last Year
Don't know Maya but in iClone Z is up.

If it's Y up in Maya some transformation would be needed. Sometimes, either with export or import settings there is option to state what dimension is "up".
By dg09petee - Last Year
Thanks animagic I really appreciate the fast response! 
My issue specifically is that I am seeing a discrepancy between how character models export from CC4 even with the same export/import settings. 
For both Coyote and Camila I am exporting with the Y-Up setting:

However one comes into Maya with the OrigShape down and the other with it up the correct way:

This is an issue in our pipeline as we want to receive exported CC4 assets from clients and put them straight into our custom engine without intervention, but that requires a trip through Maya.
Currently I see no way for us to predict if characters will import correctly when the system is automated. 
By luke (RL) - Last Year
Hi, dg09petee

I tested it in the current version but cannot reproduce your issue. I'm not sure where the difference is.

By dg09petee - Last Year
Thanks for looking into it Luke!

Checking your video I see that you are using Maya 2024 whereas I am in 2023 and 2022.

Sure enough, if I load the character in 2024: the issue is resolved. 

Something must have changed relating to how Maya handles import in the current versions, I'll look into it on my end.
Unfortunately we're version locked to 2022 due to some plugins, but I can probably find a way around those now that I know where the issue is. 

Thanks again for your help! I am now on the right path :)