Newbie Question: Exporting FBX and fFirst Frame in bind pose is greyed out?
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By spalkowetz - Last Year
Hi Team!
sorry if this has been asked before, but i've been searching and can't find the answer.
I am new to CC4 and am trying to export a character with animation.
when i chose FILE > FBX > Clothed Character > C4D > MOTION, the FIRST FRAME IN BIND POSE is greyed out.
I've been beating my head against the wall trying to figure out how to get this activated.
I know I'm missing something. 
I've even tried setting the T Pose bind pose first before adding any animation, but it's still greyed out.
I'm pretty sure this is a noobie failure on my part, but if anyone can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it.
By Peter (RL) - Last Year
Hi Sharon

On the Export FBX panel if you select Current Pose, Current Animation or the Custom option then the "First Frame in Bind-Pose" will become active. It is only greyed out if Calibration is checked.