Animate terrain
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By bpinonto - Last Year
How to animate terrain?
For example, in frame 1, I set some height offset and then in frame 100 I increase the height offset. 
So that the terrain moves higher.
How to make this?

By animagic - Last Year
You cannot animate a terrain. You would need a prop in the shape of a terrain.
By bpinonto - Last Year
How about water? Can you animate the level of water?

By animagic - Last Year
bpinonto (1/5/2024)
How about water? Can you animate the level of water?

Unfortunately not with the built-in water.
By 4u2ges - Last Year
You can level the water with some limitation.
Water prop does not have timeline transform track so the key would be hidden and you have to add the flag in project track to note where the level key is.

So if you uncheck Transform Gizmo (and Snap to Grid if checked) in Preferences you may rise/lower water prop level by hitting W and use mouse scroll wheel.
By animagic - Last Year
Thanks, 4u2ges. Learning something every day..:unsure:
By Rampa - Last Year
For animated terrain beyond XYZ scaling of a prop, you can import an Alembic file. If you use Motion Director to animate your characters, they will follow the animated terrain surface as it moves.
By thebiz.movies - Last Year
4u2ges (1/5/2024)
You can level the water with some limitation.
Water prop does not have timeline transform track so the key would be hidden and you have to add the flag in project track to note where the level key is.

So if you uncheck Transform Gizmo (and Snap to Grid if checked) in Preferences you may rise/lower water prop level by hitting W and use mouse scroll wheel.

Wow!  Very cool.