HeadShot V2 Image VS Mesh confusion.

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By martinortiz - 5 Months Ago
I am newbie/hobbyist....so bear with me.....

Headshot uses AI to produce 3D faces from photos..ok...

In V2 there is the Image method, but now there is a mesh method.
I am confused, how does the new mesh method produce a face like what I want?

Say I have a Jack Nicholson face image. I can use Image mode to produce the 3D model of his face, and I can adjust with morph sliders etc...to get a more accurate representation of his face...
If I have a mesh mode, with a pre-existing mesh, why am I using HS V2 mesh mode at all? I have a mesh already.
Also, where would this mesh be sourced from?
And how is mesh mode helping to produce a likeness of the face that I want, like with image mode?

I hope this question makes sense.

For example how would I do Jack Nicholson's face using the mesh mode method?
Do I use online tools that use Gaussian splatter method or something like that to create the initial 3D model of the face from 2D image?
And import that into CC4??

When should I use Image mode and not mesh mode?
When should I use mesh mode and not the image mode?

By 4u2ges - 5 Months Ago
And how is mesh mode helping to produce a likeness of the face that I want, like with image mode?

Yes, you have to have a mesh for the case you bought a head mesh of
Jack Nicholson at cgtrader (or any other celebrity/person) for instance and want to convert it to CC character.

By Peter (RL) - 5 Months Ago
The new features of Headshot 2 are explained in the tutorial below. Give it a watch and it should answer all your questions.
